New IC Global Channel for RPers




((Radio Free Etoile is an IC channel.))

Radio Free Etoile was started up in the late 50's as a pirate radio broadcast, based off a continually moving Supercargo container ship. Originally designed to destabilise Recluse's regime in the Isles, it lasted several years, with little success. With technology advances, and the lapse of time, villains and other citizens of the Isles began to figure out how to communicate using the same frequency, slowly turning the broadcast into what it is now, an unofficial communications corridor between the Isles and Paragon City, much to the consternation of authorities on both sides. The ship is stealthed now, but by who no one really knows. Still, someone is keeping the equipment running, and making sure the broadcast remains on the air.

((Anyone is free to join; its a public channel, or send a tell to @Maelthra or @Salsakitten for an invitation. The channel is auto-silencing, so ask a mod to be able to send once you're in.))

The world is crazy. I offer this as proof; found on a butane lighter: Warning: Flame may cause fire.

You can sleep when you die.