static villain team forming




The Dark Combat Engineers VG is starting a leveling group on the villiains side, the Dark Sappers. This group will start at level one, and meet every Sunday night at 6:30 Central time. We will try to run for three hours or so each Sunday. The goal of this group is to reach level 50 by running regular story arcs.

If you join this group, you need to be committed to showing up. Sometimes real life is more important, but if you cannot show up three out of four weeks, that is not very committed.

This type of group has two advantages.

1. If we get a group of eight or so people to show up every week, it can be a very fast way to level up, even if you are only playing the character once a week.

2. It gives you a chance to level up a character that you might not normally level, because you know you will be on a team.

The team needs to be balanced, we would prefer to see at least one of each AT and having some healing and debuffs/buffs would be nice.

If interested, please sign up in the Combat Engineers forum and list what power sets you are bringing, so we can insure balance. If we get a balanced team to show up, we can level at an alarming rate.

The group is starting on Sunday, the 28th and we would like to see at least 8 with a few alternates. Currently we have 4 signed up.

This character needs to be in the Dark Combat Engineers VG.



There are still 2 spots available. We meet at Kalinda tonight at 6:30 pm central. Look for Steady Stone.



We had a good run on Sunday and got up to lvl 10-11. This coming week we meet in Port Oakes and will start with the Atlas bank mission. There are still opportunities to join if you have a toon that's around lvl 10 (or at least 5). Follow the link ( if you're interested.



This is tonight. Hope to see you there.



Pretty awesome thing you got started there, wish I was avilable on Sundays.



It would be great to have you join us. I know RL doesn't always work that way. If anyone is interested we'll be meeting in Cap at the Ferry at 6:30pm on Sunday. We're running Dmitri Krylov's arcs.