Interested in Persian mythology? Supernatural horrors? Saving the world? Try "The Labors of Rustam."




I've recently dusted off and revised my old multi-arc AE storyline for a player-run contest and decided that I'd like to see it get more play and feedback. It might be presumptuous of me to start a new thread, but I'm not sure which of the many, many review threads to join...

Details are posted below. The missions are tough but were designed primarily with story in mind, not as character stress-tests.
Your comments are welcome.

* Arc Title: 7662 - The Labors of Rustam: The Cold and the Dark
* Arc ID: 54293
* Player Faction: Neutral
* Enemy Factions: Circle of Thorns, Snakes, Banished Pantheon, Rularuu, Devouring Earth, "Romans", Hydra, Winter Horde
* Creator Global ID: @Swami Monsoon
* Difficulty Level: Moderate > Hard (Ramps up in later missions, last mission is multi-AV nasty) Stock mobs, custom bosses
* Recommended Team Size: 1-8, Level 45-50
* Typical duration: 1 - 1.5 hours (5-mission arc)
* Arc Synopsis: You've received a message from Mender Mobius. Ouroboros operatives have detected a disturbance in the time stream. The date is approximately 650 B.C. The location is Ancient Persia...

-Emphasis on occult enemies, reason why becomes clear as plot unfolds...
-Obligatory attempt at world conquest but with lots of extra vileness thrown in (even Villains will derive a lot of satisfaction from beating these guys down)
-Hints at even greater Lovecraft/Dr. Strange type horrors...
-NPC hero (guess who) in every mission. Just be aware that NPC AI has been pretty sketchy in MA missions. When he's paying attention, however, he hits like a bus.
-You may need the help on the last mission. Did I mention the multiple AV's?
-Be sure to read clues/souvenirs/other mission text
-Warning: Contains cave maps. (For spooky atmosphere and because there are few outdoor maps that are not in an obviously modern setting) (Note for Smurphy: ...but they are all pretty linear, except for perhaps the last one.)
-Management is not responsible for harm to CoX canon or Persian mythology.

* Arc Title: 7662 - The Labors of Rustam II: Rustam and Sohrab
* Arc ID: 59243
* Player Faction: Neutral
* Enemy Factions: Devouring Earth, Warriors of Turan (custom group: think swords and sorcery)
* Creator Global ID: @Swami Monsoon
* Difficulty Level: Hard
* Recommended Team Size: 4-8, Level 45-50
* Typical duration: < 1 hour (single mission)
* Arc Synopsis: You've received a message from Mender Mobius. There's been another disturbance in the time stream. The Cold and the Dark are up to new mischief...

-One big outdoor mission (took up 89% of arc memory)
-Tough but perhaps not quite as nasty as last mission of previous arc
-2 AV's, numerous EB's
-Diverse, fairly tough custom faction
-Your favorite hero is back.
-May take a while solo. (Hint: find the hero first.)
-Ends in a cliffhanger.

* Arc Title: 7662 - The Labors of Rustam III: The Longest Day
* Arc ID: 78130
* Player Faction: Neutral
* Enemy Factions: Circle of Thorns, Banished Pantheon, Rularuu, Devouring Earth, Winter Horde, Undead Column (custom group: think decaying Nazis)
* Creator Global ID: @Swami Monsoon
* Difficulty Level: Hard
* Recommended Team Size: 1-8, Level 45-50
* Typical duration: 1 hour (3-mission arc)
* Arc Synopsis: After their efforts to alter the past are foiled, the fiends of the Cold and the Dark strike back in the present. In a daring raid, they attempt to kidnap the world's leading experts on time travel...

-Hectic, crowded missions, each with at least one AV or multiple EB's (and the same ally)
-Many of the same foes, now in a modern setting
-Ends with a twist.

Picture Jack Emmert in front of a mirror on patch day, holding a tinfoil Goa'uld
hand-device and shouting, "You dare question ME?! Kneel before your God!"
-An anonymous GDN victim