Plant troller or dom hmmmm




whats better a plant/thron dom or a plant troller, and which is more fun, why, give everything! and also whats the best secondary for a plant troller?

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I don't have a whole lot of experience with either but to me they play very differently. They obviously both have control but then controllers are more buff/debuff oriented while doms focus on damage.



Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
whats better a plant/thron dom or a plant troller, and which is more fun, why, give everything! and also whats the best secondary for a plant troller?
That's an easy one.

Do you want to be a small god of damage and destruction sowing chaos and confusion everywhere you go while making other characters on your team basically superfluous?

Or do you want to play a Controller?



I have one of each at level 30 (Plant/Thorn Dom, Plant/Therm Troller), and I find the Dominator much more engaging and fun to play. Getting the most from the Plant primary doesn't require the use of many powers (Strangler, Seeds, Creepers, Fly Trap, three of which are on longish timers), which can make things pretty boring when you've got a buffing secondary.