No-melee dom? (Energy Assault)
A more common choice for an all-ranged Dom is Fiery Assault. It only has one melee power, which is a little disappointing because all its damage comes in ticks (nice damage though).
What you want should work as a concept, but I suspect in practice it would be a tad underwhelming. But hey, some people are all about concept.
I think energy assault is a great choice for all ranged. Its about the only set that can build up a decent ranged attack chain by level 10 (power bolt, power push and power blast) and you add in power burst at 38 to finish that off. You do sacrifice AE though, which is probably why Min doesn't like it as the only AE is PBAE so you have to close to melee range.
Fire is a nice set but you are going to be leaning on fire breath a lot until you hit L38 and get blaze. This isn't exactly a bad thing as fire breath does decent damage even for a single target but your end efficiency is going to suck.
So, if you are enjoying energy assault stick with it, ultimately that is the only reason to play a set anyways - if you don't enjoy playing something it won't matter if it's more effective.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13
So, having amazing fun with my first dom since the I15 changes (just came back to the game a couple weeks ago and discovered the dom revamp two days ago). Earth/Energy, level 10 so far and having a blast.
With the character concept I'm going for, I'd really like to end up using Swift+Hover for mobility and fun flying around. To go along with that, I was thinking it seems pretty easy to build a /Energy to use only ranged attacks. I mean, yeah, bonesmasher is good damage, and I've heard people rave about Total Focus, but I like the idea of playing this all blasty and not having to move in and out of range.
Here's what I'm thinking.
From Earth, skip the aoe immob and aoe sleep and take
Fossilize (ST hold)
Stone Prison (ST immobilize)
Stalagmites (Questioning this, due to need to be on ground)
Volcanic Gasses
Animate Stone
From Energy, skip most/all of the melee attacks and take
Power Bolt
Power Push
Power Blast
Power Boost
Power Burst
and maybe one other power (Suggestions?)
That leaves me with plenty of pool picks to get Swift/Health/Stamina, Hover/Fly, Hasten, and, say, Aid Self? Or would tough/weave be better? Any other ideas for my pool picks? And of course, Patron powers, but that's a long way off.
So, what do you think?