Last raid didn't go so well, mostly because it was semi spontaneous.
Love the Turtles is hosting a Hami raid, Thursday, Feb 11th (tomorrow) Blueside, 8:30pm EST
We will be leading most of the teams and coordinating on vent. Upon entering the Hive please post your archetype and power sets and you will receive an invite from the leader of the appropriate team. Be patient and you will get a team.
Also please only 1 account in zone per person. We need as many active players in there as we can get. Last run there were a lot of people either afk in zone or dual/triple boxing and taking up spots from people who needed to be in there.
Also, make sure to reboot in Safe-mode if your worried about disconnecting. If the zone fills up and you dc your spot will most likely be taken.
Also, make sure to have REQUEST enabled. Instructions will be given out in request. Its very important to read these and follow instructions to the best of your ability. Your team leader will answer questions and give additional directions.
Let's make this successful guys! Pinnacle needs a win blueside!
Hami Revenge Time!
Last raid didn't go so well, mostly because it was semi spontaneous.
Love the Turtles is hosting a Hami raid, Thursday, Feb 11th (tomorrow) Blueside, 8:30pm EST
We will be leading most of the teams and coordinating on vent. Upon entering the Hive please post your archetype and power sets and you will receive an invite from the leader of the appropriate team. Be patient and you will get a team.
Also please only 1 account in zone per person. We need as many active players in there as we can get. Last run there were a lot of people either afk in zone or dual/triple boxing and taking up spots from people who needed to be in there.
Also, make sure to reboot in Safe-mode if your worried about disconnecting. If the zone fills up and you dc your spot will most likely be taken.
Also, make sure to have REQUEST enabled. Instructions will be given out in request. Its very important to read these and follow instructions to the best of your ability. Your team leader will answer questions and give additional directions.
Let's make this successful guys! Pinnacle needs a win blueside!
Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.