Kheldian Ancillary Pools...




I know a while back there was some talk (begging) going on about Khelds maybe getting ancillary pools along with some more power slots as well. I apologize if there was another post like this recently that I skipped over haha, but I was just wondering with GR steadily approaching, and with the recent hero-con if there has been any sort of talk about this.

-Thanks all



There has been no talk that I'm aware of about giving Kheldians either more powers or more slots. While there are always pipe dream fantasies about getting certain powers or types of powers, I don't think practically that there's a strong need for any more powers for Kheldians - in fact, more than a few people complain that Khelds have too many powers as-is. Giving Kheldians full access to all power pools would probably be enough to make a lot of people very happy - Warshades could fly in human form if they wished, Peacebringers could take Recall Friend, and Air Superiority goodness could be had by all.

As for more slots, the "slot-crunch" is the reason for build variants such as Human-Only, Tri-Form, Human/Dwarf, etc. These variants exist because there is a need to allocate slots in a careful and consistent manner to meet the unique challenges of designing a Kheldian build. Add too many more slots, and you destroy that variety. Everyone would just be tri-form with fully powers in all three forms, if they had the slots (to say nothing of the IO Set opportunities such a situation would present for a Kheld player). So, while I can understand this desire as a 'wish list' item, I'm against it.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
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