BS/SD build help




hello. I have made a BS/SD build and I'm wondering if I may have left stuff out of it. I was aiming for a def/rech/acc focus for set bonuses. I realise that I used the same IOs alot but I was stacking the set bonuses and I didnt want to use purples.

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Hope I get some replies.



Don't slot True Grit with resistance. The +HP from it benefits you more.

Parry should be slotted as an attack if possible. It's a good filler attack in an otherwise slow-recharging set and you want good accuracy to ensure it hits.

Don't 6-slot Crushing Impact. The psi resist bonus is useless since 1) positional defense already works against most Psi attacks and 2) it doesn't mitigate enough damage to save you from nonpositional ones.

You're above the cap for +5% recharge bonuses. In Mids' click "View Active Sets", and bonuses that violate the rule of 5 will be highlighted in red.

Fly doesn't need to be 4-slotted. Actually, at level 50 1 common IO in Fly + slotted Swift comes close to the flyspeed cap, if I remember correctly.

Additional defense IOs in Phalanx Fighting only increase the defense it gives when other characters stand near you. It does not boost the static +3.5% defense that is on at all times, so slotting this power is of fairly limited use.

Reactive armor defense bonuses are small enough that they only benefit typed defense characters. They're not worth slotting on a shield defense character, who gets positional defense.

Taking battle agility that late is a bad idea; it's your major source of ranged/AoE defense.

Generally speaking, I'd try to softcap defense, then work on recharge/accuracy. You want to try and get +45% melee/ranged/AoE defense (a little extra doesn't hurt, either); this is the point at which further defense bonuses no longer reduce enemy chance to hit. Some good places to start are a Steadfast +3 Def in any of your resist powers, a full set of Gaussian's synchronized fire control in Build Up (+2.5 to all positions), and some Blessings of the Zephyr in Fly.



I tried doing what you said abit but it made everything a whole lot worse!

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Try something like this:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Wow! looks pretty impossible to kill. But... Just wondering how you managed to kill 200 damage off [Head Splitter]? Very nice build though. I'll start leveling my scrapper now using your build now.

As a side question: do you know how to pronounce scrapper? is it 1. Scrape-Er or 2. Scrap-Er. Do you know?



Originally Posted by GangstaBlade View Post
But... Just wondering how you managed to kill 200 damage off [B][Head Splitter]?
I turned off Build Up. Mids' has a bug where if you turn on Build Up with the Gaussian proc in it, it includes the effect of the proc, too.



So.. Basically would be using 2 build ups in 1 press sometimes? If so I might be able to do +0/X8.



I noticed this thread and wanted to provide my own build for my Broadsword/Shield Scrapper, since it's a different approach (no tough/weave). Please note that the Mids numbers are slightly off of the real in-game numbers, as all 3 positional defenses are at least 45%. I could probably do with a little bit of tweaking, but I'm happy with the way things are in-game. It might cost you a bit more than Laevateinn's build, but it's pretty solid when fully slotted out.

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