Form-Focused WS Question




My WS's primary build is focused on the Nova and Dwarf forms, using human form just for Stygian Circle, Hasten and Mire. Most of my Form's inherent powers are 6 slotted (except antagonize, just 4 slotted). Im working on planning and IO build, but I really have no clue what to slot for primarily. I don't need a build just some advice on the slotting is all I ask for, especially on an AT whose role isn't as definable as a Blaster or Tanker. What should I slot for, primarily (in your opinions) and/or how should I slot the powers I have for maximum effectiveness on a semi-limited budget (~200-400 Mil Inf Max)

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
My WS's primary build is focused on the Nova and Dwarf forms, using human form just for Stygian Circle, Hasten and Mire. Most of my Form's inherent powers are 6 slotted (except antagonize, just 4 slotted). Im working on planning and IO build, but I really have no clue what to slot for primarily. I don't need a build just some advice on the slotting is all I ask for, especially on an AT whose role isn't as definable as a Blaster or Tanker. What should I slot for, primarily (in your opinions) and/or how should I slot the powers I have for maximum effectiveness on a semi-limited budget (~200-400 Mil Inf Max)
Aim for recharge bonuses. You want mire and eclipse up as often as you can. Most recharge bonuses come at the fifth enhancement in a set, and most times five slots is all a power needs, so that works out well. All Kheldians suffer from the slot-crunch, so saving a slot here and there will pay off.

Warshades really have no one way to be built, and the slotting depends very highly on how you like to play it. I'd assume you drop to human for the fluffies, which is a great power for six slotting. If you use the human drain essence, it can ED cap recharge/heal and get a little accuracy in four slots if you frankenslot. Same goes for the dwarf heal. I slot my gravity well for hold first, then damage, but many people slot it for damage only. Unchain essence is a great power, but only if it fits your playstyle. Quasar is entirely skip-able, but you may want to be able to go boom. I know I do, but I've only got three slots in it (Damage and a hint of recharge).

Many warshade builds will fit stealth, grant invisibility, invisibility, nebulous form, and combat jumping. I have all five in that list, but the stealth pool never actually gets used. They're just spots to put Luck of the Gambler +recharge bonuses. Tri-formers have way more powers than they have slots, so the stealth pool powers are great picks for levels 41+.

I've recently got my warshade slotted up and running very near perma eclipse on about 400 million (and 1000 merits), and it was worth every penny. Even with a ton of planning, though, I ended up burning five respecs before I felt like the whole thing was "right." And again, that's only "right" for me.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
Very nice, ok, I was suspecting Recharge.

Thank you very much!
As I notice, you're on Virtue.

Give me a ring sometime, I'll show you what I can do. I am by no means the best, but I have been called "The most aggressive warshade I've ever seen" by a SG mate.

Self-rez is a challenge.

Also, I direct you to this thread. There's plenty of build advice later on, but (I may be biased here) I think the OP is worth reading.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I don't know how I missed this thread earlier, but there has been some great advice from Dechs Kaison.

The advice I always give is:

Watch carefully what powers you use, if you find you aren't using a power much can you afford to steal some slots from it? Can you afford to drop it altogether? Only you know how you play. Once you have your powers picked (And be ruthless, if you don't use a power, ditch it!) then you can go for slotting.

Slot for recharge, recharge and then more recharge. Once you have reached perma-Eclipse (The main goal for the uber builds) then you can think less about bonus' and more about getting the most from your powers. For example after I hit the recharge I wanted I frankenslotted Black Dwarf Mire so I could get better numbers out of the power itself.

Don't be afraid to pick pool powers. I have the medicine pool (3 powers), Hasten + Superspeed, Combat Jumping + Super Jump, and the Concelment Pool. These powers are great because they don't need slotting, and will at least get some use, even if it is only holding an LoTG in the Concealment pool. Having an attack 1 slotted is much less use than having Super Speed for example.

Lastly don't be afraid to use respecs, I have gone through 13 on my main, including several paid for with real money!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Black_Marrow View Post
Most of my Form's inherent powers are 6 slotted (except antagonize, just 4 slotted).
I thought I would use this as a good example of the thought processes I like using.

When you next play look at how often you use this taunt, do you find that you can hold aggro without it? Do you end up mainly tanking single foes or small groups or AV's?

Unless you find yourself main tanking for large groups I think you can get away with only 1 slot in this power, especially once you get enough global recharge. I would stick a Taunt IO in it and let accuracy be covered by Black Dwarf Mire, and recharge covered by global bonus'. (I only have one slot in it and I can hold the aggro on AV's or groups easy enough unless someone else really wants it, and anyone capable of taking it off me is usually capable of handling it - scrappers mainly)

Then you have saved yourself 3 slots to go elsewhere.

Alternatively do you find that you use it a lot? Then consider adding 2 more slots for the 7.5% recharge bonus from I think Perfect Zinger.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post