Diversionary Tactics - ID# 347791 - Dr. Aeon's Challenge




Arc Name: Diversionary Tactics
Arc ID: # 347791
Levels: Any (1-50)
Morality: Heroic
Enemy Groups: 5th Column, Arachnos, Longbow, Custom Group
Length: Very Long ( 5 missions, medium maps)


The word 'Hero' carries a burden of responsibility and trust, and these will be tested when the ghost of an old Villian comes to you and asks for your help in recovering a device that once belonged to him, help that may force you to cross the line between Hero and Villian.

Author's notes:

This is an arc I've spent about a week troubleshooting and running solo, and I'm hoping to get some feedback from solo and group play. Let me know what you think, please.

Those who think Truth is relative haven't had a Tank land on their car.