



OK guys, just made my second scrapper yestarday. He is Kat/Regen, and only lvl 8 right now. I am opening this post in hope's of a recomendation for a build, with just regular IO's. I'd throw up a draft build but doing it is making my brain hurt, I want this but I need that! Grrr!!! I don't think I'll be needing stamina and health. Combat jumping, hasten, stealth, tough, and weave are my defense to make up for no set bonuses. I'd like build up but it's not necessary. Will I need focused accuracy or CP?? PP??? If not, I'll get the blaze mastery. I can go with any Travel power, they all make me happy. I want a realllllyyy!!! high!!! DPS! Wanna solo Av's and Rikti Pylons!

I'm confuzzled guys. Help?
The way I play so you know, kill one, go to the next. I use chains that I usualy make up on the go.The chains usualy aren't completely constant but this is my second scrapper, and my first one has a constant attack chain.

I don't know why I put that little tid bit under "I'm confuzzled guys. Help?"
but.... I'll leave it there....



Well, I hate to break it to you, but you probably won't be soloing AVs and pylons with a common IO build, and your DPS won't be stellar. That said, I'll post my SO-only build that I *think* would be able to solo Manticore with enough tries, but I know from experience that it is slow and painful going. And it doesn't have the DPS to solo a pylon. Also, if I remember correctly, there's a stupid error somewhere in this build, but I'm not spotting it. I do see that I'll have pauses in the chain while Hasten is down, but I suspect I settled for that rather than remove damage. I don't remember at this point. Maybe Umbral will spot the error, and possibly some other areas for improvement. He's good that way.

You want to chain Divine Avalanche -> Gambler's Cut -> Golden Dragonfly -> Gambler's Cut -> Divine Avalanche -> Gambler's Cut -> Soaring Dragon -> Gambler's Cut. That double stacks Divine Avalanche for all but a fraction of a second. You need Gambler's Cut to recharge in 1.58 seconds (+90% recharge), Golden Dragonfly in 8.45 seconds (+43% recharge), and the others don't need any recharge for that. While Hasten is up, even +90% recharge is trivial. While it's down, you'll need a lot of recharge. The answer that is no more expensive than regular IOs is frankenslotting the attacks with cheapo multi-aspect IOs from sets. But if you're dead set against set IOs, just substitute common IOs for all the SOs in this build, and you should be good.

While leveling up, you might find it useful to take Sting of the Wasp. I'll also recommend The Lotus Drops on anything but a hard core single target build. But then, it looks like you're looking for a hard core single target build.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



I've seen you're vids on youtube and BTW AWESOME!! Werner is so kewl! lol, nice job seriously, looks like fun to solo av's and rikti pylons. You are the person that makes me want to!! I never thought u could till I saw you're vids. And who better than the man himself helpin me out, COOOL!!! ;D
Thx alot, I think this will suffice. And, no I will eventualy want to get set IO's and sometimes frankenslot some scirroccos dirvish (for the 10%regen) into any pbaoe I have. On this build I don;t have any and will have to find another thing to "frankenslot" for.