Celebrity Rumor!




Start your own (fake) outrageous celebrity rumor here!

I'll kick things off.

"John Travolta's hair is alive. Sadly it's the only part of him that is. During the filming of Grease new experimental hair gel was used on him that ended up making his hair alive and sentient. Soon after it strangled him to death in the night and took control of his body"

You heard it here first folks! Beware the Travolta hair!

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

Check out my Deviant Art: http://darkauthor81.deviantart.com/



This just in! Paris Hilton is actually a nun who was sent out into society and instructed to act like a spoiled, selfish, arrogant, narcissistic **** to gauge society's reaction to such mindless inanity. She is not the mindless twit we all love to hate, but actually a brave young heroine who has forsaken her dignity for the greater good of mankind!



Breaking news! Contrary to popular belief, Lady Gaga actually does have a stylist. UNfortunately, he was found early this morning, found strangled by his latest design.