Pet issues/bugs
It is a half cooked feature riddled with bugs.
- when mal'd/exemped pets do not zone with you
- pets get detached randomly when zoning. Sometimes rebuffing reattaches them
It should've never been announced as a feature since it was never finished or tested properly. And if this is the finished product... oh boy!
I'd prefer not to have the feature at all than to have it work the way it does now.
Since coming back to the game from 2x weekend, I have noticed some odd bugs/annoyances with my level 45 Ninja/Traps Mastermind Ninjas.
Minor annoyance:
I love....LOVE the fact that they zone with you now, but I hate the fact it plays what seems like the summoning and buffing animations of each pet all at the same time when you zone. I zone in about 10 seconds usually and wait another 5 seconds for the smoke to clear so I can see what I am facing.
Also summoning my FF generator sometimes plays the buffing animation along with the regular animation.
On cargo ship maps. When I load from the deck of the ship to the interior, my pets dont follow immediately. after about 2 to 5 minutes they start showing at the door and can be selected but they wont attack or defend or move. If I wait another 3-5 minutes they will snap to life and be normal again.
I even dismissed and re-summoned them and it put one of them off the map somewhere. It let me teleport him to me but he was "brain dead" and when I tried to buff it said "target in air".
This also happened on that Outdoor Grandville map where you rescue the Spiderlings. All was well until I took the elevator to the top. All came through except the Oni and he never snapped out of it, I had to resummon him.
No problems so far with regular office map elevators.
Are these common issues? Or do my pets hate me?