MA28817 - Arachnos Research and Development: A Security Breach
I'm now actively looking for final feedback on this mission before I set it as a completed project and continue with the story arc. As it's an EU created arc, no feedback left ingame by my Stateside compatriots will reach me so please use this thread for the purpose.
I will hopefully put together a short video trailer for the arc unless someone else wants to play with this aspect. Any and all posters people may want to create for it would be welcome too
Heya, I did try this arc back in June and wrote some feedback, but quite likely you never saw it since I'm on a US server. I'm afraid I didn't rate it very highly, but hope you can get some value out of my notes on the arc anyway. My main complaints were: (1) the hook leading the player into the arc seemed rather weak to me, (2) the contact treats the player like an incompetent lackey the whole time, and (3) two defeat all missions seemed excessive. [Though, in fairness, I did play through this arc four months ago, so it could have changed since then.]
Hope that helps!
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
Heya, I did try this arc back in June and wrote some feedback, but quite likely you never saw it since I'm on a US server. I'm afraid I didn't rate it very highly, but hope you can get some value out of my notes on the arc anyway. My main complaints were: (1) the hook leading the player into the arc seemed rather weak to me, (2) the contact treats the player like an incompetent lackey the whole time, and (3) two defeat all missions seemed excessive. [Though, in fairness, I did play through this arc four months ago, so it could have changed since then.]
Still I'll take your review in hand and see what improvements can be done. Ta muchly!
Okay, have now reviewed your comments and will be looking at the following issues with the missions tonight...
Mission 1
- Remove Defeat All
- Changing Rogue Arachnos to Arachnos faction (was a personal character bias that MZ would not have you attack Arachnos troops. Possibly may consider replacing with security guards/police of some sort)
- Adding clues (while mission one is "throw away", its premise is to set up the rest of the arc as "canon" and not a simulation)
- Adding patrol dialog (I can see that the mission, on reflection, is a little dry - this should pep it up)
Mission 2
- Spruce up the mission offering to give a few details on whats coming
- Add some Longbow patrols or ARAD vs. Longbow fights (original concept was that they were there under invite from Dr Brubaker but it hasn't translated well - will make it a battleground instead)
Mission 3
- Darkespark is actually EB class and not AV (MZ is the only AV for the ARAD Villaingroup and won't turn up for an arc or two yet. Does she feel overpowered? The premise was that she'd survive the mission for Mission Four)
- Modify mission dialog to account for possibility of data backup (secure remote dump, data lines temp cut off)
Mission 4
- Ensure reasoning for robots to be destroyed is there
- Add in plot continuation clue(s)
Hopefully these changes should clear up the bulk of the issue highlighted in your feedback and should tighten the plot for Reap What You Sow, and beyond.
Okay, while I have modified the missions the arc has two current bugs...
1) The custom ARAD and Robots groups are subject to level spawning problems, as a result of Issue 16 (they were working fine before hand)
2) The final Release Captive objective is bugged - releasing the captive results in the mission ending (and failing) once they exit the map (not intended behaviour)
Update: Have temp removed the timer so the arc is playable. Time yourself if you feel you need to
Arc ID: 28817
Alignment: Villainous
Mission Count: 4
Another day, another Architect Entertainment "mission". Maybe you're bored of these holographic entertainments, and you started playing with the terminal. Maybe you pressed something you shouldn't have. Maybe you did nothing at all. What you do see though is a static-filled, broken hologram of an elderly scientist. The audio is coming in garbled, and only just understandable. The one thing you can make out though is...
... this is no normal "entertainment" mission
The Plot
With the founding of Architect Entertainment, Dr Aeon has not left his latest project as secure as he may have wanted and old foes are a-calling. Meanwhile, Arachnos are having data security problems of their own and their Research and Development department may need your assistance.
The Details
The arc is scalable for 15+ and should be playable for all - the EB is only in one mission, is optional and can be avoided. Final mission is timed.
The Series
Part of a series that continues in Arc ID 122378 - "Arachnos Research and Development: Reap What You Sow".