Are we limited on Epic Archetype costume slots?




I have a widow I recently got to 40. My first costume slot (epic archetype) is dark gray and purple. I was planning on creating a red or white version for my alternate build when I hit 40. I never really noticed it before, but it appears that we only get one epic archetype costume slot per character. The other slots limit you to non-epic archetype choices.

I started thinking that your costume slots must be build specific. So, I swapped to my alternate build, changed my epic archetype costume and swapped back to my primary build... Whooops, it doesn't work like I thought! Costume slots are apparently per character, not per build.

Am I missing something? Or are we limited to a single epic archetype costume slot per character? I did some searches, but combinations of epic/costume/veat resulted in a lot of things that weren't relevant.




Alas, you are correct.

As far as my knowledge extends, we only get 1 epic AT costume.



Tres bummer

Thanks for the reply!



As an alternate, you could join a supergroup or create your own and use the sg mode colors.



Another idea is to use the Save/Load costume feature to switch out a couple of costumes in that one slot. It costs some time and influence for a trip to the Tailor, but I do that from time to time when I want to switch my look between the Crab Spider costume and the Wolf Spider on my Crab. I really can't make up my mind between the two looks, so I just switch them out from time to time.

I also found you can come fairly close to the Wolf Spider look with the Armored Pads in the regular costumes. The helmets are also available if you're a Vet, but I wish they had the right chestplate and boots as well. Doesn't help with the Widow look though.



Good suggestions! I hadn't considered any of them. I'll have to play with them this evening.

And yes, I love the vet helms. I've got a couple characters that were based soley on a "rogue" Arachnos look using that helmet.