Issue 16 Slash Commands...
This is everything the wiki knows, though it might be missing a few that haven't been added to the list, of course. (I just added /arenalist and /cleartray, for instance.)
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Having grown bored with the game briefly (I hope) I spent the time I should have been farming remaking my i8 -> i13 Slash Commands guide.
Okay so its not really a guide. It is a list of all the in game slash commands (wishful thinking) gained through /cmdlist and then turned into an online DB. I have assigned arbitrary categories to each and every command so as to make it easier to find what you want.
I have even added some of the commands I have found that are not listed in game but nevertheless work.
Guide Homepage
Actual Guide
Any corrections or additions pleas post in this thread or through the PM system. In game (EU only) I can be reached by @Lost Ninja (or see sig).