unaware dialog not working?




hi, havent really made many AE storys and did a long one tonight about the lore of my toon, so any way it seems that when you get close to the objective and have text for the captive to talk when there unaware of you it dont come up. but come up when you attack, and the attack dialong comes up, is this a new bug of has it always been like this?

AE arc # 328349



It may be an old bug; Make a separate chat tab with only NPC chat in it, and see if they speak it long before you arrive... occasionally they'll see you from as soon as you enter, or from across the map long before they should be able to see you, and you'll miss them saying it.

If you run the entire map up to them and still don't see it, I've not seen that bug before, but for me they can also say it only when you start wailing on them, because a lot of my characters have Stealth, so they can't see you at all until you come out of Stealth to hit you.