Judgment Dave's Guide didn't cover this




I made a custom group, called "Super Hellions" -- this consisted on the regular Hellions, plus one custom mob of each rank: "Blood Brother Flamer" with Fire Melee, "Fallen Flamer" with Fire Assault, and Double Damned, with Fire Control. The plot had the Pilgrim asking you to fix a temporal anomaly that put more powerful objects in the Hellions' hands. The custom mobs reflected the fact that the new hellions had more magic. So anyway, These custom mobs made the mission playable at all levels, but I figured high levels would be monotonous with only one mob of each rank. So I sprinkled in some thematically appropriate mobs, like Bat'Zul demons and Circle Behemoths, which I figured would be logical for level thirty hellions to summon.

I wanted the mission objective to be defeating an Elite Boss. Now, I could have made it a custom mob, but I wanted to run this arc on some of my lowbie toons, and didn't think they could handle a custom elite. So I put in 3K Kelvin instead. His level range is 6-12. I went to play the mission with my level 35 mastermind, and something strange happened. I got exemplared down to 12, as you'd expect, and a mix of level 12 and 13 minions and lieutenants spawned (difficulty: heroic) with 3K Kelvin as the boss. Only problem was, the standard mobs were all gone! There were no Blood Borther Slugger or Slicers, only my custom Flamer,s even though the level range should have accommodated them!

Unsure how to fix this, I tried removing 3K Kelvin and replacing him with a custom "Double Damned" Boss. This now meant that the mission's level range returned to 1-54. However, when I went in I discovered that it spawned Blood Brothers Sluggers at level 14, and Bat'Zul Demons at level 29, even though my character was level 35! Everything was grey except for my custom mobs!

Dismayed, I made a new custom group, called "Guinea Pigs", consisting of individual paragon police minions from level 1-54. When I entered the mission, I found it full of level 15 Detectives, Level 20 SWAT officer, level 25 Hardsuits, and so on!

My Questions:

1: Does anyone know why the standard mobs disappeared from the 6-12 mission? I'm prepared to think I may have done something wrong, or it may be referring to an outdated version of the super group.

2: More importantly, is there any way to STOP the spawning of standard mobs of inappropriate levels from a custom group? If not, is this something I16 broke, and if so are the Rednames working on it?



This may be similar to a problem I had;


JDs guide didn't include it, as it seems to have only appeared this week with the Issue 16 patch. The only solution I found to only getting low level spawn was, as I mention in that thread, to remove one of the sets of mobs (the Nacht ones) leaving just one set which spawned correctly for their level range. This is probably not what you want to do (nor do I, I find every damn patch I'm having to shrink the actual physical events in my arcs to stay under size and get things working), but you may be able to make a work around based upon this...