Building a Brute for a Dom/VEAT-heavy set team
With that team you could crank up a brawl/swiss cheese brute and be safe.
That being the case, either of those secondaries are going to benefit nicely from the VEATs' team based buffs. The debuffs coming off of the two Cors would benefit any brute.
However, with that team makeup, you might want to lean on aggro control and AoE. In which case, the elec/shield would be a better choice of the two you presented.
Be well, people of CoH.

Elec/Shield shouldn't have too much of a problem on that team, especially with 3 veats helping to cap your defense.
The problem you are going to have is maintiaining aggro if you do not take taunt (and I don't take taunt on shield brutes due to wanting to softcap builds)
With 2 crabs and a widow, your defense should be softcapped regardless.
If you're always always always going to play with that team, I'd go Something/Willpower. None of your allies has a heal of any sort, and Willpower with capped defense and debuffed targets is basically god mode.
Hate willpower? /Dark and /Fire have resist-based shields and nice self-heals. Pushing yourself from 50% defense to 70% defense by selecting a def-based secondary won't help much, unless you're just after the increased damage from /shield.
Looks like I'm going Elec/Elec... wish me luck...
Picture Jack Emmert in front of a mirror on patch day, holding a tinfoil Goa'uld
hand-device and shouting, "You dare question ME?! Kneel before your God!"
-An anonymous GDN victim
In the coming week I am going to start running in a set 8-man 1-50 villain team which will level primarily through Strike Forces and other signature story arcs.
Another objective of this team is to play and learn character types that we are unfamiliar with. For me that will be a Brute, since I have never gotten one of those (or a Tanker) past 25. As this secondary objective suggests, the team composition will be... unusual.
So far the plan is for 3 VEAT's (2 Crabs and a Widow), 2 Doms (both Earth/*) and 2 Corrs (Arch/Traps and Fire/TA, who I imagine will play a lot like Doms as well) and my n00b Brute.
Any thoughts on what type of Brute might work best in this setup?
-What might be easy to pick up for someone new to the AT?
-With all that control... is a single target big hitter better than an AoE-oriented primary?
-Would a +defense or +resist secondary work better?
-Without healing and buffs other than the VEAT toggles, will a set or sets with endurance management and self-heal powers be important?
-General input on what powers might sync well with this team?
-Slotting suggestions?
When this project was announced I already had two Brute concepts in mind... Claws/Energy and Electric/Shield (some others in the group have already suggested that the latter might run into endo and health management problems on our team).
Any feedback on how either of those concepts might actually work out?
Picture Jack Emmert in front of a mirror on patch day, holding a tinfoil Goa'uld
hand-device and shouting, "You dare question ME?! Kneel before your God!"
-An anonymous GDN victim