Looking for a small but very active SG




I'm looking for a small to mid sized SG, that is very active. I'm coming from a server where my friends and I used to play but they have all decided to leave the game for other RL stuff. So I'm looking for the same type of thing, smaller, tight kit group of friends. Used to be only about 25 of us and had anywhere from 2-3 different teams doing different things. I'm a player that enjoys all the content of the game, TF's, missions, AE, badge hunting all of it. I like to do super teams and value those power sets less played. I hate having to solo anything in the game. Evenings 5-10 CST and weeks are my normal play times. I like Freedom, as it has a large population and is a very active server. Any SG like this out there that is willing to take on another vet player.



i just started an sg theat will become very active its called The Angelic Alliance we will use teamspeak and im creating a webpage and myspace page for it. if ur intrested message me either on fourm or ingame my global is @Green Grass