~Double Ouroborus TF Night - Monday September 7th~




I'll be there Wednesday night unless something comes up. Was traveling yesterday and really just didn't feel like logging in. Pllluuuus... I knew I'd feel this way, so I didn't sign up in the first place. Yeah, yeah, I know... you missed me.

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



As noted, we had several people unable to make it last night. I probably should not have run an event on a holiday like that. I'll rethink it for next time I think the majority of the people who didn't make it didn't feel good, forgot, or had some partying to do :smirk:

Thank you to everyone that did show up. Because of the shortages, the teams were a bit wonky. We had 2 extra people show up, and because of them, we ended up running 3 teams. If they hadn't been there, we could have run 2 teams, and probably had less problems on the teams. So sorry guys

Thank you to Roxy for stepping up and leading again last night. I appreciate it!

My team had the easiest run, and I feel bad for the others because of it

My team for both TF's was:

Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender
King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
Kromlech: WP/Mace Tank
Darken Sparrow: Sonic/Ice Defender
Xort: PB
Ager: Kat/Invul Scrapper

Sorry I stole Ager from you Roxy . My husband stepped up to tank for us because our tank is gone for a while. He wasn't too sure about tanking, and he was bugging me to grab a scrapper to help with aggro in case he messed up.

I actually think he did okay. He's not a great tank, but I've been trying to teach him (and I'm not a great tank either ), and I think he's getting better. My team has decided to keep him until our tank can return :smirk:

For the Twilight's Son TF, we stealthed everything we could. A few people on my team expressed to me how tired they were, so I was trying to keep the whole night under 2 hours.

We finished Twilight's Son in 21:41 with 1 death. The one death was me . I ran thru a pain crystal while stealthing and didn't realize it. I then ran into a mob of CoT who saw me and killed me instantly. We would have finished sooner too if not for that incident. I had to be tp'd back to the start, and re-stealth back to the end That probably wasted about 5 minutes...

For Mender Lazarus, I did not get a picture of the stat box. I know I took the picture, but it didn't show up in my picture folder . So I'm not sure of the exact numbers. Maybe someone else on my team knows? I think we finished at around 40 minutes with under 10 deaths. That was the fastest I've ever run that TF, and we cleared almost everything.

Next week's TF will be Manticore finally! I'll try to put the sign up sheet up later today.

Thanks again for joining everyone!


Pictures from my team:

Twilight Son TF

Mender Lazarus TF

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Was fun last night, felt very needed and wanted heh



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Thank you to Roxy for stepping up and leading again last night. I appreciate it!
Thanks for asking, Luna. I'm glad I was able to help out in a pinch. I wish I would have read up on them before we started...but then, again, maybe it was better that I hadn't. I had only ran Mender Lazarus once before, and it had been a complete nightmare. When I realized which one it really was, I about pee'd my pants.

My team for both TF's was:

Roxona MD: Emp/Ice Defender
Maximar: Rad/Rad Defender
Twilight Hero: PB
Pyroman MM: Fire/Elec Blaster
General Gintoki: WP/SS Tank
Carmen Kincaid: Sonic/Ice Defender

Twilight Sun was fun and easy as usual. I got the feeling not many on my team had done that TF, and that made it more fun, at least for me. We finished in 41:42 minutes and had 3 deaths.

Then we quickly moved on to Mender Lazarus...and here's where the panic began...

Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Sorry I stole Ager from you Roxy .
I think Paragon and I both were having kittens at the beginning of this TF. I missed not having Ager, and I truly believed we were going to be putting in some major overtime on this TF. But I gotta tell you, my team did an awesome job, and we completed it in 1:07 with 33 deaths. General Gintoki is a strong tank and was able to keep up with the agro while the rest of us squshies scrambled to rez, use wakies (and any other candy we had on hand), or run to the hospital. I'm glad I had Maximar in the same room as me...we were constantly shouting who we were going to rez next so the other didn't rez the same person. All in all, everyone played their role perfectly, and I'm very impressed that we were able to do so well on this TF.

Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Next week's TF will be Manticore finally!
Now this one I know very well. If Luna needs me to lead a team, I may even want to up the diff on this one (if the team wants it).

Sorry no pics this time...I took them, but there's nothing under screen shots for some reason.

Thanks again to everyone on my team! Cya next time.



Oooh, Sorry again Roxy I didn't think we were going to need you because we didn't have that many sign ups, but Joe wasn't feeling well and I didn't have much advance notice, and I know you are such a great leader

Next time I'll tell my husband to shut up about needing a scrapper

Heck, you all did better on your run then most of the times I've done that second TF. I think last run it took my team like an hour and a half, at least half of it in the final mission.

As for having the other healer in your room at the same time I agree it's really handy . My husband, while he usually doesn't play a support toon, almost always takes the medicine pool, so we have field medic scrappers and blasters. We've often been in situations where its come in handy and he'll let me know who he's rezzing so I don't waste my rez.

In a group I've joined that runs once a week, we use TS, and that's always handy as well so that you're not wasting rezzes.

I just wish people would remember they have rezzers on their teams and let us at least *try* to rez them before they pop a wakie


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Oh, Luna, don't worry about it really. I'm was just rubbing it in a lil. I was really surprised and really happy we did so well. Of course having the HVAS, the Mech and the shivan was a god send! I felt so much better after the Mender Lazarus TF than I did after the new Dr. Kahn TF. Dr. Kahn was kind of a let down, while the Mender Lazarus was still interesting to me.



I too am really sorry Rox, I would have been more of a hindrance than helpful with that. But on the plus side I am almost done with new house so Mondays won't be a problem anymore.