Arbitral Power Strike Force




So yeah. Yet another AE mission tossed to the masses to be slaughtered. :/

Ever wonder what the story was behind Arachnos' Arbiter Drones? The premise of this arc delves into their background history. It's not incredibly extensive given the practically non-existent information on them, but it tries. The Arc I.D. is 312787.

Arc Details:

Length: Very Long
Morality: Villainous
1st mission: Medium Map, 46-52, contains boss, ambush, collection, multiple allies.
2nd mission: Small map, 21-27, contains boss, ambush, collection, multiple allies.
3rd mission: Unique Map, 40-54, contains boss, ambush, collection, ally.
4th mission: Unique map, 41-54, contains boss, collection.
5th mission: Small map, contains boss, collection.

Enemy factions: Arachnos, Custom Group, Malta, Nemesis.

Contans: Archvillains, Elite Bosses, Enemies with custom power selections.

On a more personal note, I specifically designed this arc to be very difficult. It is not for the faint of heart, and soloing is NOT reccomended. There's a reason it contains "Strike Force" in its title. And keep in mind that although it's designed to be difficult, I do want to keep it down to a level where people can tell that it is actually possible. If there is any particular feature you are concerned about, inform me and I'll look into it.

Bit of a spoiler alert, I will list more in-depth information further below for those of you who like to know certain things ahead of time, or are stuck and need a helpful pointer. If you don't want to see it, don't look at it.


Mission 1: The Elite Boss is Dr. Aeon, and at a quarter of his health he will summon his elite boss clones usually only found in the Statesman Taskforce. They are ridiculously powerful for dev-designed critters, but are possible to defeat and are not required for mission completion. Dr. Aeon's private terminal has a tendancy to spawn on the lower floors despite my attempts to force it to spawn in the last room.

Mission 2: The Archvillain/Elite Boss is Arbiter Sands, who will have Wolf Spider Hunter powers and his standard Drone summoning technique. Fairly standard, but it should be noted that he spawns three ambushes as his health goes down.

Mission 3: The Archvillain/Elite Boss is Nemesis, (Fake, naturally) who appears to have a toggle-version of Moment of Glory. He also spawns three ambushes as his health goes down. All five of the bomb crates SHOULD spawn in the central area, with possibly one or two spawning in the corners.

Mission 4: The Archvillain/Elite Boss is a renamed Gyrfalcon, an AV version of the Gunslinger. I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on just how nasty those guys are. In addition, the entire mission is full to the max of pre-spawned Gunslinger and Titan bosses, which bears mentioning.

Mission Five: Three big bads here. The first is an Archvillain/Elite Boss, The Conducter, and will quite possibly be the hardest enemy in the arc. He comes loaded with the entire dark melee set and all of the Electric Armor set save for static shield. He proved exceptionally difficult to defeat in tests, and so I am going to be particularly open to suggestions about balancing him out.

The second Archvillain/Elite Boss is Erik "Red Death" Raoul, who has all the powers from Thug Summoning except for empty clips, and has sooth and soothing aura from Pain Domination. He has not been observed using either of the two during tests, but you never know.

The final hazard is...drumroll please...An Arbiter Drone. Drumroll end, cue the record-scratch noise. It cannot be damaged, mezzed, end drained, or even affected by any power at all in any manner whatsoever, and it auto-hits auto-kills anything it targets. It is not required for mission completion, but encountering it is inevitable since it spawns within close proximity of the final objective. To those who either cannot see the final objective due to the angle of the corridor, or those who just didn't realize it, clicking on the terminal by the Drone completes the mission. It has a 10-second timer, which means that it is borderline impossible to complete the mission lonesome style. It has been accomplished using masterminds and/or liberal use of temporary powers, but is risky nonetheless. There is a reason the contact mentions you may want to assemble a team of six or more friends.