League of Orphaned Superheroes




* Supergroup Name: League of Orphaned Superheroes

* Leader or Recruiting Officers: @Cold Dodger or @shannon o'reilly

* Preferred Method of contact: In-game tell, email, or PM on CoH forums.

* Guild Description: Did you join your SG in hopes of playing with a lot of people and shortly after discover that no one is ever around? Have you been playing in your SG for a long time now and at one time it had plenty of people but now seems like a ghost town?

That's the way it was for us too, which is why i decided to make a new SG for those who feel abandoned and lonely and just want people to run with on missions....TFs....Trials....etc...

We just made this SG a few days ago so there arent many in yet but it wont be long before there are many. 3 or 4 of us are on everyday in the evenings 6pm-11pm EST normally...and sometimes even in the morning.

We dont have much in the way of a base but are Coalitioned with my old SG so we have access to all teleport zones until we get our base up and running. Once we get enough prestige built up i can start building the things we need to have a nice base but in order to do so i will require everyone who joins to run in sg mode until we have plenty of prestige. We are not big on powerleveling or AE in this SG, mainly non AE stuff unless its a multi mission arc we have created or one we enjoy due to its creativity. We also have our own SG uniform that we wear during SG events or when teamed together during missions. We also have a Ventrilo server for voice chat during game sessions.

If you are interested in joining League of Orphaned Superheroes on the Freedom server please send a private message to me on the forums or send a tell or email to @Cold Dodger or @shannon o'reilly in game and we can set up an invite. I would prefer people who have been in game at least a year but if you are mature in personality then i'm sure we can work it out. :-)



*Update* We now have all 22 Teleport zones available for use thanks to the hard work of the small number of us in the SG.

Send a tell, email, or PM here if you are interested in our SG. The Orphanage has plenty of room for ya.



*Updated* in above reply.