I'm recently returned to CoX (was away for about a year) and am looking at potentially starting a SG to run Fire/Rad Superteams or basically any Fire-based themed teams... although team(s) of all fire/rad trollers is preferred... I would probably be looking to do 2-3 runs per week probably Thurs-Fri. nights maybe Sat. nights/early morning (depending on convenience) but am open to suggestions... If interested, either reply here or send me a message ingame to Fusionfire or email my global @Vyzage.
Depending on interest/response levels, I'll look at posting a themed build guide and battle tactics plan sometiime in the near future.
Hey everyone
I'm recently returned to CoX (was away for about a year) and am looking at potentially starting a SG to run Fire/Rad Superteams or basically any Fire-based themed teams... although team(s) of all fire/rad trollers is preferred... I would probably be looking to do 2-3 runs per week probably Thurs-Fri. nights maybe Sat. nights/early morning (depending on convenience) but am open to suggestions... If interested, either reply here or send me a message ingame to Fusionfire or email my global @Vyzage.
Depending on interest/response levels, I'll look at posting a themed build guide and battle tactics plan sometiime in the near future.