Issue 16 Blurbs
Due to more Data mineing, Dark Melee and Invuln will be buffed again. And Scrapper "damage resist cap" is raised to 85%.
Wait, this a issue 16 wishlist thread, right?
They actually turned IH into a toggle again that doesn't cost endurance. *dies in thought of epic buff*
As much as I hate people saying that they should just open up the beta now....
Just open up the beta already!
After they open beta, there will be a wave of people logging into the test server, and 15 minutes later just as many logging off, heading to the forums to post "Live now, kthxbye"
Followed swiftly by, "OMG! This is all?!? I thought for sure there'd be 10 more features that you guys didn't announce! Champions will bury you! That's where my subscription money is going! OMG! OMG!"
Minus the readability.
Followed directly by me finding the most inappropriate use of Power Customization ever. I don't know what it is yet, but I'll find it and it will be obscene.
This post brought to you by the maker of EightEqualsEqualsDee, the flesh colored humanoid covered in blue veins.
Awww, I was hoping it'd be like a 6-slot filled with stealth procs
"Kickblast: Known as the first to die, last to die, and one to die every time in between." -Sun Splitter
Hero-Con people are getting hooked-up with some Going Rogue hotness!
Click Here for the Official Announcement
And I heard he got it from Karl
Damn that sexy Karl Rove Man!