Redoubt Operations Arc Series [Video, Image]




Redoubt Operations is a dramatic team-oriented mission arc series following the exploits of Redoubt and their nemesis, the Mechanius Imperium. These two original organizations, set firmly within the City of Heroes universe, are both comprised of robots and androids of all types, but have startlingly different philosophies that set them against each other. Which one will be victorious and influence the minds of machinekind for generations to come, and which will be lost and forgotten, a passing fad of their race's infancy? Only time will tell.

This arc series aims to provide an interesting storyline that is fun to play through as well as read, to provide players as much fiction as they are willing to read while still keeping the basic plot points succinct enough for even a casual player to be able to follow along, and to always keep the player the main focus of the events in the missions while still expanding on the overall story line.

To accomplish this task the Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe is used extensively to provide information about the different characters involved in the story, form the biggest character to the littlest. Information on the arc series itself is posted there, as well as pages on Redoubt, The Mechanius Imperium, their leaders, their solders, and any other characters or organizations involved.

However to enjoy this arc series reading none of this background information is required. The bare minimum of information in each arc is provided in the enter and exit popups of each mission. More fiction is then provided in conversations with the contact, clues, and dialogue in the missions.

This thread aims to provide a location where feedback and comments on the series can be read, as well as further news about new arcs in the series. New news will be either edited into this thread or posted into it. If you have anything to say about the series please feel free to comment. I'm always looking to hear back from anyone playing, and always looking to improve arcs if I can.

Arcs in the Redoubt Operations Series

Arc Name: Redoubt Operations #1: Fires over Kalago
Arc ID: 1297
Morality: Heroic
Faction: Sky Raiders, Mechanius Imperium
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Andromeda / Apollinaris
Level Range: 20-35
Difficulty Level: Medium - Hard
Synopsis: The recent discovery of impervium deposits has sparked unrest in the small country of Kalago in southern Africa. When tensions escalate Redoubt requests assistance from heroes to keep the peace. Little does anyone know the chaos is about to attract an even bigger threat. Players will face a series of four different missions in their quest to return peace to the country of Kalago. Along the way they'll accomplish such tasks as rescuing the abducted Prime Minister, rescuing civilians caught in the middle of a Sky Raider and Mechnaius Imperium warzone, repelling an Imperium sneak attack, and finally riding the region of Mechanius forces. The arc contains one Elite Boss and one Arch-villain.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours
Link to More Details or Feedback: Redoubt Operations Arc Series on VirtueVerse

Arc Name: Redoubt Operations #2: Wrath of the Imperium
Arc ID: 269283
Morality: Villainous
Faction: Crey, Paragon Police Department, Longbow, Redoubt
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Andromeda / Apollinaris
Level Range: 30-50
Difficulty Level: Medium - Hard
Synopsis: After their bid for control of the nation of Kalago has been thwarted by Redoubt and their heroic allies the Mechanius Imperium focuses it's ire squarely upon the forcesof Redoubt as First Emperor Surtr declares total war against them.Players will take on the role of villains who have agreed to assist First Emperor Surtr of the Mechanius Imperium in his master plan to take revenge on Redoubt in exchange for "something they desire".Players will be engaged in such fun tasks as blowing up buildings,kidnapping world leaders, inciting a civil war through fabricated evidence, and crushing the stalwart defenders of peace and prosperity under their heel. Contains two elite bosses and one arch-villain.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours
Link to More Details or Feedback: Redoubt Operations Arc Series on VirtueVerse




Running this on a level TOO HIGH ice/axe tank, diff 2 for EA crowds and BOSS FIGHTAN.

Fair warning: I played on Virtue back at launch but have since moved on, and I know approximately nothing about whatever server continuity exists.


If I'm working for an acronym agency it needs to show up as ACRONYM (A Completely Roundabout Obtuse Naming-Y Method) all the time. But okay, it's Sky Raiders time, they have a thing for these tiny African republics.

Endurance and inspirations will be procure-on-site. Now begins Operation: Virtuous Mission.

This sure is a cargo ship full of Sky Raiders. Just kinda... standing around. No crates of weapons, no organizational whiteboards, no firing practice, just... Sky Raiders.

Four giant rooms full.

I find Sizwe in the last room and lead him all the way back to the exit. The path I take doesn't reveal this mysterious enemy, so it's time for Jump Around And Pound Tab Vol. XXVI. Wish I'd found that motion detector.

Ah, there they are. ...on top of three stacked cargo crates. Gotta love where the cargo ship can park your objectives.

Grape-flavored robots with interesting names. ("Landsknecht" has activated a dark and terrible center of my brain. F O E! F O E! Even on the ocean, an F O E!)

Descriptions are a bit on the wordy side, especially considering I haven't seen these guys before.

Li'l debrief typo: "assess the situation" is missing an S and the forum censored what resulted.


Hmm. Pretty straightforward stuff here, tons of battles, kinda hating the click-rad powers the lieuts have here since I can't kill 'em to shut them down. But what can you do?

A lot of the hostages trigger because there's a battle nearby, making them easier to spot.'d kinda be nice if there were some ally patrols of REDOUBT bosses or something that spawned in when I was done saving these guys.


Ah dear, REDOUBT didn't have their Cylon scanners up and running and it's up to me to stop the robots.

Couple of decent little storyish bits with the patrol and battle, but I can't find the ambassador in here anywhere. ...oh, right, he was inside a vault thing. Okay, that's alright.

My axe doesn't exactly do a lot against the big bad here, but my squishy pal who's rad to be with is up for anything.


Bug text for mission 4 is kinda exactly the same as mission 1's.

Bosses are the same too, couple retreads... except they have less of an escort, and none of the wrinkles (ambush, time limit) that they had before. I juggle this Kali so badly she never even gets a lot of Inv on, which is kind of sad.

And the last thing I do is wreck a destructible object with a couple of guards. This really felt too easy.


Storyline - ****. I was expecting some kind of gotcha at the end, really. Having it end on a couple junior versions of the earlier boss fight and then finish up with an inanimate object going boom just doesn't have the same oomph to it.

Design - ****. While the grape-flavored robots are pretty monolithic, they have obvious enough powers that they're easy to tell apart. There's a lot of "tell, don't show" going on here, though. The Sky Raider cargo ship is supposed to have guns blazing or at least firing, but it's quiet. REDOUBT is supposed to be showing up in force to end the conflict once the hostages are out of the way - why not have some patrols of elite bosses or something? The ambassador is waiting in a sealed room, so why not have a couple of consoles to check up on him in there?

Gameplay - ****. All pretty smooth running, aside from a lot of dead air at the end of the first mission trying to find the infiltrator.

Detail - ****. The copy-pasted bug text and the giant handfuls of description for the robots both bring this down a little. We get an actual clue to refer to the general history of the Mechanus Imperium, so you don't need to retell it with every little minion.

Overall - ****. I don't know how much space is left in this arc, but it looks like there's enough room to pile on a few extra bits of detail to make it really shine. (And please no more giant empty 4-room cargo ship. Putting various interesting bits in it is fine, just not a solid enemy crawl.)

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Reproduced here with permission from the author. Follow the arrow above to goto the original posting.
Redoubt Operations # 1: Fires over Kalago, Arc ID 1297, by @Andromeda. Very long (1 small, 1 unique, 2 medium maps). 48 plays, 4 stars as I start. Description tells of Impervium deposits in Africa sparking tensions. An organization called Redoubt is asking for help from superhumans. There’s a link to a ‘Virtueverse’ link. I put that in inverted commas because up until I googled it 10 minutes ago, I had no idea what the Virtueverse is (hit my 57 month vet badge this week folks ). For anyone out there who doesn’t know what it is, it’s a ‘library of fan created original content for the City of heroes MMORPG virtue server’, according to the ‘about’ section on So it’s an RP thing, then

Now, although my home server is Freedom, I’m not averse to the odd bit of roleplaying. I popped over to its site to see if there was anything I needed to know to better enjoy the arc, but it warned me that it was basically a huge spoiler article. It was related to a few more articles, namely one

on a specific character’s timeline,the fictional Southern African country Kalago, the organisation Redoubt,the bad guys page, and a wikipedia page on the chichewa language.

After seeing all that without reading it I am in somewhat of a conundrum. Do I play through and then read, or read first and then play, or just play?

I opted to start playing, and if I was getting into any difficulty, then I knew where to go for a chichewan phrasebook or the shoe size of Emperor Surtr or what have you.

Oh, the arc is lvl 20-35, so I’ll be using Tommy Atkins, my lvl 31 MA/SR scrapper.

“Africa. The last time I was in Africa was durin’ the war. No, not that war, the WAR. World War II. Before I ended up ‘ere, o’ course. Yeah, I did a bit of me service in Africa. Course, that was North Africa, in Tobruk on Operation Crusader. Never bin back…until last week…

“A mate of mine at the UN, Paddy O’ Toole, put me in contact with a Lieutenant Commander Gilgamesh of a UN sub-organisation called REDOUBT. Stands for a mouthful, an’ no mistake. Peacekeepers, they say they are. Needed a bit o’ superhuman muscle ter ‘elp ‘em with a problem in Southern Africa…seems some country in the interior discovered Impervium deposits, ‘an…well, where there’s bubble there’s trouble, as me mam used ter say. The Prime Minister ‘ad bin kidnapped by a bunch of Sky Raider mercenaries workin’ fer a Separatist group.

“They were keepin’ ‘im in a cargo ship in a place called Kbamba bay. Prime Minister Sizwe was in that ship, an’ I ‘ad ter get ‘im out. Fair enough…Gilgamesh couldn’t ‘ave read me file very closely, ‘e seemed ter think I wasn’t used ter extraction missions…I’d soon put ‘im straight…

Mission 1: Rescue Prime Minister Sizwe

“After a long, dull plane flight, I was chucked out over Kbamba Bay at 20,000 feet. Makes my eyes, water, does free-fall. Still, it’s quicker than usin’ a chute, an’ over water there’s no need really…keepin’ an eye on me target ship was the difficult bit. After I’d ‘it the drink, I surfaced and swam ter the ship…a quick shimmy up the anchor chain an’ a little bop on a guard’s noggin’, an’ I was in…

“I squatted on a gantry an’ ‘ad a dekko at the interior of the ship…

"Raiders everywhere…sneakin’ through was goin’ ter be difficult. Fightin’ me way through shouldn’t be too ‘ard, though – there’s only so many bad guys you can fit on a ship, after all…I took a deep breath an’ piled on!

“You ever bin on a picnic with jam sandwiches, an’ the news gets out ter every bee in a ten mile radius that grub’s up? That’s what I felt like. It was nuts! They must ave bin getting’ danger money for this lark, cos they weren’t bein’ shy about ‘avin’ a go, I can tell yer. I usually goes fer the engineers first, before they can activate those bloody force field generators, but with this amount of goons it was difficult even pickin’ em out of the masses! An’ with the bloomin’ teleporters jumpin’ in and out addin‘ ter the chaos, mostly I just kept me ‘ead down and biffed anything that was close…

[Awesome fun!]

“I worked me way through the ship, buildin’ up a sweat, an’ after wadin’ through a sea of Sky Raiders, I found the PM. ‘E was in a spot of trouble, looked like. I soon ‘ad ‘im out of it. Once the bad guys were snoozin’, I checked ‘e was ok, and we started ter make our way back ter the exit…

[The PM says ‘did you hear that?’ to give a heads up to the ‘Enemy Infiltrator’ spawning back on the way, but I’m not sure exactly what ‘that’ is lol.]

“We jogged back through the ship, but soon found our way blocked by some newcomers…geezers in purple armour, either robots or armoured humans, I’m not sure…but they were in our way. I told Sizwe to lie low while I dealt with em. They were a bit tasty, I don’ mind admittin’, an’ half way through the fight a load of their mates turned up! It was a bit dicey for a while…

[Yikes! The initial spawn wasn’t too bad, but then the ambushes arrived! I had to leave the PM there whilst I retreated to recover. I didn’t die, and Tommy loves ambushes, but it felt slightly wrong in terms of the plot to leave the Prime Minister there while I ran off. Technically, they could have grabbed him and had it away on their toes before I got back. Not much you can do about that, though. I’m not suggesting removing the ambushes, anyway.]

“…but not too dicey. After that, it was a short jog to the exit, and the extraction team took Sizwe off me ‘ands…

“Gilgamesh said that the purple blokes were members of a group called The Mechanius Imperium…how come bad guys always choose the stupidest names for their gangs? With a header like that, you’ve gotta expect an Emperor somewhere, right? Self-proclaimed, I bet.

“Anyway, Gilgamesh was worried about the civvies in Kalago’s capital, Lilongsa. Seein’ as ‘ow I was already near, I offered ter go an’ lend an ‘and…

[The briefing etc could make a little more of the fact that I’m already in Kalogo; it seems to suggest that I’ve left there?]

Mission 2: Save the Citizens of Lilonga

“Gilgamesh gave me a file on the Maniac Imperium, as I call ‘em, an’ it turned out they were robots. The group sees itself as an ‘emergent nation of AIs’, it said in the report. I didn’t think much of their diplomacy so far.

“Lilongsa was a madhouse. Gunfire, the screams of energy weapons…the Redoubt heli swooped in low and dropped me off in a position on the edge of town…I ‘opped over a wall and jogged down an alley, then popped me ‘ead out…and ran into a patrol of the purple robot blokes engaged in a full on barney with some sky raiders! Straight into it, as usual!

[oops lol. I saw three mobs a little way away, thought I had CJ on, leapt at them, and SJed way over them and into a massive battle between the MI and the SR!]

“So there I was, neck deep in rampaging robots and the bloody Sky Raiders. I was spoilt fer choice fer targets! The raiders were easy enough, buncha woofs the lot of em. Those robot buggers were a bit ‘arder ter deal with, but, well, when yer bin through D-Day…

[That fight was fantastic. It felt like Rikti Invasion, the sheer number of mobs around me. I was hovering around a quarter health for the last half of the fight. Great fun]

“After that, I took a breather and surveyed what I could see of the city…it was a warzone…I could see a civilian off towards the central square; hiding from the battle…I loped down the slope and into it again, fighting my way to her through the marauding machines and the mercenaries squabblin’ over the territory…bloody bastards, the both sets…why can’t people be left alone ter live their lives, eh? Some little country wins the geological jackpot, gets a chance ter make summink fer itself, an’ the jackboot ‘ordes comes crawlin’ outta the woodwork. Makes me bloody angry…this robot ‘nation’…no home country of its own, so it thinks it can just take one from someone weaker, eh? Not if I’ve got anything ter say about it…

“When I got near to the civilian, I nodded to ‘er ter stay down, an’ cleared an area around ‘er. When she was relatively safe, I ‘ad a think about what ter do with ‘er…I couldn’t take ‘er with me, it was too dangerous. I told ‘er ter keep ‘er ‘ead down, an’ I’d try ter clear a bigger area…those bloody metal sods ‘ad got me right wound up, I’d be ‘appy ter put a dent in their army…

[Tommy’s angry enough to Clear All, and I’m having enough fun to stick with it too.]

[On a more serious note, the rescuees stay where they are after the rescue. I know there’s an issue with hostages on outdoor maps, but it still looks a bit odd for them to calmly stand hands on hips after rescue with more mobs in sight. Maybe you could do something with their dialogue and animations that would help?]

“Street by street…yard by yard…through the shattered ruins of people’s ‘ouses…me fists pounding metal, me knuckles bleedin’, the stink of oil an’ the screech of servos…they found out what ‘appens if yer mess with one of Monty’s boys!

“…I rescued more civilians that afternoon, but not enough…the damn robots and the raiders didn’t care about the civvies in the way of their bloody fight…

[The battles that are spotted around the map are great, but I wish the trigger distances for them were shorter; often I’d see them happening in the distance but they’d be over by the time I’d fought my way to them. Have you filled the map with as many as you can? Is it possible to trigger more from rescues?]

“Eventually, I stood, pantin’, atop a pile of mangled metal an’ dead raiders, sweat drippin’ off me brow an’ blood drippin’ off my fists…this district of Lilongsa was reclaimed…

[I enjoyed that mission, but I think the atmosphere of a city under total attack could be enhanced if the briefing/debriefing made a little more reference to other heroes and/or Redoubt rescuing other civilians in other sectors of the City. I rescued I think 6 civilians, which is a little small scale for what I think you’re trying to suggest. Top fun all the same]

“After that I sat in a medical tent whilst a medic bound me poor knuckles…but I didn’t ‘ave a very long rest. Gilgamesh was on the blower; two of the civilians I’d rescued weren’t civilians at all, but Imperius robots. Two ‘alves of a gestalt wossname, ‘e said. I didn’t pay much notice, tell the truth…I was knackered. But I was the closest superhuman ter the firebase where they were, and they’d started teleportin’ in more Mechanius troops. That firebase was where the Prime Minister was…Well, it wouldn’t ‘ave bin the first time I’d ‘ave rescued a prime Minister twice in one day…time was pressin’, so I got me skates on…

Mission 3: Reclaim Redoubt Firebase 572

“Bloody ‘ell, this was a tall order…I ‘ad 90 minutes before the timelock on the base central core opened an’ the Metal Empire forces could swarm the place. I ‘ad ter get ter those two agents who were teleportin’ the troops in…I wasn’t sure ‘ow many floors there were, an’ there was no way I could sneak through…I ‘ad ter plow me way through them, one punch at a time…So I buckled down an’ started plowin!

[lol 90 minutes, and the briefing seems to suggest that it’s going to be a Clear All…Once I’m inside, the Nav instruction is to Defeat a boss and then Defeat Remaining Enemies…I’m clearing as I go anyway, but I wonder how much time I’ll have. From the looks of the map it’s not a big one]

“As I fought me way onward and upward through the base, I played the wheelbarrow game…yer know what that is? It’s a game ter make borin’ work go by faster…say yer got a hundred bricks ter move, an one wheelbarrer, that takes 20 bricks. Yer load it up, and move the 20, and while yer on yer way back yer think ter yerself ‘alright, I’ve moved 20 out of 100, which is a fifth of everythin’an’ I’ve got 80 left, which means I’ve already done a quarter of what I’ve got left, an’ if I does what I’ve already done, namely another 20, then I’ll ‘ave 60 left, which is only 3 times as much as what I[‘ve done already…’ – yer get me now? All that thinkin’ takes time, yer see, an’ before yer know it there’s another 20 gone, an’ you ‘ave ter change all the maths, an
that takes more time…

"Anyway, while I was deckin’ them metal bastards, I was thinkin’ ‘it takes me around…4…5…6 seconds ter take out one of these metal gits, so that’s 12 a minute, an’ I got 90 minutes left, which is just over a thousand…I ‘ope there ain’t more than a thousand of ‘em in ‘ere’…”

[The maps not too big at all…on the third floor, after about 15 minutes, I find the EB. I’m glad of the generous time limit now, because she takes a few trips back to the vendor for inspirations…]

“I finally emerged from the last elevator to find the main mare and her company tooled up and ready for aggro. The door was there, tickin’ away…She was a big bird, this one…and packed a wallop too…Still, as Benny ‘ill says, I like em big! She was a bit of an ‘andful, but I gave ‘er a spankin’ in the end…I ripped one of ‘er arms off, an’ was about ter beat ‘er about the face with it when the bint teleported away! Then, though, polishin’ off ‘er mates was easy peasy…well…relatively…After that, I just let meself slide ter the floor an’ wait fer the doors ter open…maybe there was a cuppa on the other side of the door…

[Quite a hard fight, that. I’m wondering if there’s going to be a Big Bad in the end mission that’s worse than Kali…if there is, I might have problems ]

“Well, there was a cuppa, thankfully, an’ I needed it after that bird’s little love taps, but it was awful, and at any rate, the Redoubts techies were all over me like a rash askin’ question’s an’ naggin’ me fer intel. I directed ‘em ter the wreckage of the bird’s arm…then I ‘ad a kip.

“An hour later I was woken by Gilgamesh. They’d been able ter isolate a location from somethin’ in or one the arm, it seemed. The location of the Animaniacs base. An’ they wanted me ter go in an’ close it down fer good…there was a teleport node in there that’d need smashin’ inter bits, fer starters, an’ the leaders of this assault too. In fer a penny, eh?

Mission 4: Thwart the Mechanius Imperium Invasion

“Underground. That’s where the base was…under flamin’ ground. I’m built fer caves, me, on account o’ bein’ so short. I made me way in, an’ almost immediately bumped into that bloke from the ship.

“‘E was a bit put out ter see me, an ‘is mood got worse when I smashed his face in! ‘E called fer ‘elp, the big pyjama, so I smashed their faces in too. I’d only bin in there fer 20 seconds! Gordon Bennet!

[lol I had to use all my inspirs up on that ambush, but it was worth it. Rather an unexpected event so close to the entrance, but not unwelcome.]

“I ‘ad a little stretch after that, an carried on…the mechs got a bit thin on the ground fer a while, which was nice, but then I found a cavern with some of ‘em torturin’ a sky raider. I’m no friend of mercenaries, but ‘e was a human, I guess, so I sorted him out. ‘E offered ter ‘elp me, but I left ‘im behind whilst I scouted ahead. In a huge room, I found the teleport node thing. I tell yer, those tinmen did NOT want Tommy ter smash up their toy…waves of the little buggers kept swarmin’ inter the room…fist fodder, they were…

[actually, the ambushes would have been a killer but for the happy fact that the node was conning purple (lvl 35), and so I was easily able to take its destruction slowly, and so not get all the ambushes at once. Higher levels who can one or two-shot the node would get all the ambushes at once, which might prove a handful. As it was for Tommy, each ambush was just right. The fights were tense but not too hard.]

"With ‘er teleport gzmo in bits an’ one of ‘er arms missin on account o’ yours truly, I was pretty sure that that bird would be more than peeved at me…I set out ter see if I could make ‘er day a bit worse…

“…and sure enough, when I found ‘er, she ‘ad a look on ‘er face like a bulldog chewin’ a wasp. I went back ter the Sky Raider an’ asked if ‘e’d like ter give ‘er some payback, ‘an ‘e was in like a shot. We made our way back ter where she was, and the both of us went at her at the same time…

[I’ve got a full set of inspirations, and Captain Klink. Hopefully, he’ll be able to tip the scales…]

“What a pain in the jacksie that metal bint was! ‘Er lost arm didn’t seem ter worry ‘er none. It was ‘ard goin, really. Klink put up a good shuftie, I gotta be fair, but it was touch an’ go fer a while…when she started flaggin’ she called fer her mates, an’ we ‘ad ter retreat around the corner so’s we didn’t get swamped. Once she was back on ‘er own, though, it was just a matter of time…

[Klink did help a lot, but I had to be careful to let him take the agro off me, and he also needed a bit of management cos he’s only a lieut. The ambush looked set to wipe us out tbh, but I think we were saved by pure luck; she seemed to stop attacking us for a little while, and I took care of the ambush whilst she sort of stood there. Odd.]

“Well, that was that…the Redoubt squads flooded in, an’ Klink was carted off ter be interrogated. With the Mechanius fought off, Kalago looked safer. The Raiders withdrew from the place too. With a little bit ‘o luck the country could get back on its feet again…an’ I could go ‘ome…for an actual proper cup of tea…”


Right. This is a good solid arc that gave me a load of fun, basically.

Positives: The Sky Raiders were perfect for Tommy, really, and your customs could have been designed with him in mind. The customs also look really nice and their bios are detailed. The maps were well received and the objectives were appropriate. All the various text fields are present. I especially liked Missions 1 and 2.

Negatives: There were a few very minor typos here and there. Kali was a little bit annoying, taking just a very little bit longer to down than would have been perfect. And the civilian evacuation mission needs a bit of tweaking IMO.

Overall, though, a solid arc that Tommy and I enjoyed very much. I’ll be playing the next one on the basis of this.

I thought about what rating I felt it deserved for quite a while. The arc, as I said, was very enjoyable to play. However, the story itself, and the writing that delivers it is not quite up there with the stuff that has really grabbed me by the balls and/or the heart, and so I couldn’t grant a 5 I’m sorry.

If we could rate out of 10, it would be on the cusp of 8 and 9, and I’d be moaning about not being able to rate out of 20.

As it is, I gave it 4 stars because although the playing was funfunfun, the feeling wasn’t totally there.

Suggestions: I think mission 2 is where you could really sink the Player into the personal disaster of a city of civilians under attack. Those hostages you rescue are a bit faceless tbh, and giving them more emotionally engaging dialogue could really make it stand out more as an emotional experience as well as a great gaming one.





Playing this one on a low 40s merc/TA mastermind, diff 3 for actual bosses.


Blank checks get me suspicious. Most villains don't live long enough to cash them.

But the plan is sound, or at least explosive.

Huh. Any reason these charges aren't the see-through kind? Generally that's how "plant bomb" missions work.

Man, nothing like hunting around an empty office building with a bunch of nooks and crannies looking for the one clickie you missed.

This is another largely empty first mission - one patrol, one ambush, and a whole bunch of long-duration glowies to click.


And now for a little abduction from the overpass. (wish they'd put a longbow heli in more maps, there are plenty with an Arachnos flyer in 'em.)

Patrol, ambush, required objective. Don't get me wrong, putting too many things to do on this Skyway map is asking half of them to get shoved down into the crazy blind alleys under two layers of elevated highway. But it feels a bit Olivia Darque Round 2, really.

--- month? Seriously? He's got a robot duplicate that can't be detected by the Freedom Phalanx or these REDOUBT guys despite being publicly accessible to both of them for a month?

I guess if Nemesis can pull it off, sure, but I was expecting a little more urgency here.

That stretch of Nerva does make for a suitable jungle coast.

Huh. Two EBs. Well, fortunately I have my pocket Shivan, and that's enough damage output to break both of 'em down.

In one sense the RNG was kind to me, putting 'em pretty much in open water right from the start. But in the other sense I finished off the map with a tiny little smudge of it actually cleared. I know you can't position things reliably on outdoor maps but that doesn't make it any less of a letdown.


Strike team, huh? Okay, time to pick up some more Shivan.

Hmm. This base map looks bugged. All the floors are showing up on the same minimap in tiny tiny corner illustrations. That was not what I expected when he put "strike team" in big orange warning letters. This was just a bunch of destructibles and one fight the invaders won handily. Not even an ambush or an EB network admin showing up to investigate or anything.


$name needs to get commas before and after it when it's being used in the middle of a sentence to address somebody.

Huh. Destroyed lab? Kinda makes sense.

Lots of fights here which leave a shield boss from the raspberry-flavored robots intact. Kind of a pain to clean up after, especially when he pops Build Up.

Gilgamesh gets his hello dialogue co-opted by one of the many battles that are going on. I lure him out into a couple minor battle groups, pop out a Shivan, and chase him all over the top floor as he... tries to establish some kind of range? I don't know. The ambushes that try to defend him are swallowed up by the rear guard of grape-flavored robots that's been winning every non-boss battle so far.

He goes down but the objective doesn't complete until I walk back into his room and take out a medicbot stuffed in a corner.

Surprisingly I was not actually stuffed into the roboticizer by my contact, which seems rather generous of him.


Storyline - ***. My real sticking point is the rather arbitrary "one month later" between missions 2 and 3. If the lady who got replicanted is really the only voice of support then all you need to do is have her hold a press conference and say "it's clear in the wake of this tragedy that automated systems by themselves are simply not enough to ensure the safety of anyone", after which she drops all support for REDOUBT, cue pervasive uncertainty and then mission 3 the following morning twists the knife. I'm also a little surprised that a big bad who promised the world actually delivers instead of trying to pull a fast one at the end, especially since we know about his secret plan to discredit REDOUBT in the first place and I doubt they're quite all gone.

Design - ***. I didn't mind it so much with the grape-flavored robot troops, where the annoying powers were either persistent or obvious in use. But gravity is more subtle, and the raspberry-flavored medic bots need a bit of a different color aesthetic to set them off. The MM lieuts couldn't hurt with one either, since there's one long fight against them in a watery area, which will hide the electric ground effect. There's also no real evidence of internecine struggle - I didn't see if the patrols in mission 3 were rogue or not, but there wasn't any obvious infighting in missions 4 or 5. (maybe replace the chasers in mission 4 with it?) Mission 5 is a bit of a letdown after 3 as well, fighting one EB instead of two. I get that things were probably intended to go a bit differently - battles leaving behind either a boss or an MM lieutenant who summons up, Gil being an AV, (I guess, I don't remember purple triangles but I wasn't exactly in his face) but as it was it was more of an annoying fight since he tried to keep range and his ambushes got eaten up by the grape-flavored robots.

Gameplay - ****. Nothing the canon doesn't pull all the time - kidnap run over empty terrain, lots of glowies in a map that likes to tuck them in corners, end boss playing keepaway.

Detail - ****. I can understand the bios on the EBs, but even the rank and file have a giant wall of text, most of which seems to be some generic description of REDOUBT. You should probably find a way to work that into a briefing clue somehow.

Overall - ****. A fairly straightforward "I'm gonna get you, Gilgamesh" arc with a time skip I couldn't see a reason for, a bit of an anticlimactic final mission, and an enemy group that needs to make the controllers stand out a little more.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



I'd just like to say thank you to the judging committee for the 2009 Mission Architect Awards for nominating Redoubt Operations #1 - Fires over Kalago for Best Villain Group and Redoubt Operations #2 - Wrath of the Imperium for Best Villain Story.

Even though neither arc won in the end, simply being nominated is a huge honor. Thank you.