Special Anniversary Show!




On August 28th, I will be celebrating the Two Month anniversary of my broadcast debut with Storm Radio (www.thestormradio.com) as DJ Draco. Join me from Noon to 4 PM Eastern (9am to 1pm Pacific), at the Galaxy City Arena, Emerald section for my first ever Theme Show: Animé! I will be playing a variety of Animé soundtracks from the 60's to modern day, showcasing the evolution of one of Japan's most popular music industries.

In addition, I have about 10 million influence burning a hole in my pocket, so I will also be hosting an Animé Themed Costume Contest throughout my show, with the winners to be announced in the final hour! I will be awarding prizes to the top 5 cosplay stars, so come dressed as your favorite animé character! I hope to see you all there!

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Here's an update!

While the date and time are still the same, there has been a major donation to the prize fund, so now I have 120 Million in Influence to give away!

Best Male Anime Character:
1st - 25 Million
2nd - 12.5 Million
3rd - 6.5 Milllion
4th - 4 Million
5th - 2 Million

Best Female Anime Character:
1st - 25 Million
2nd - 12.5 Million
3rd - 6.5 Milllion
4th - 4 Million
5th - 2 Million

So come to the Emerald wing of the Galaxy Arena for a bunch of rocking Anime songs, and great costumes!

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



I had not heard of this...

Back Yard Boom - Emo Catgirl - Cobalt Claymore - Hephaestus 1

Avatar by Scarf_Girl!



Wow...I'm really out of the loop. I didn't even realize there was a station called the Storm :S

Sorah = suckfail.

Click for Deviant Art Site - Commission List: OPEN



Yep. It's like the Thousand Flowers Movement, just with more internet radio and less violent repression.

Back Yard Boom - Emo Catgirl - Cobalt Claymore - Hephaestus 1

Avatar by Scarf_Girl!



Storm Radio was originally created back in June as a station for Champions Online, but they pushed development on CO back to September. Meanwhile, everything was ready to go, so we began broadcasting in City Of, managing to get a small audience in the meantime. There were some problems, particularly with the tech and some 'conflict' on Virtue itself, but we've gotten our feet under us.

Now the bad news. As of September 1st, CO goes Live, and as such, Storm Radio will be moving. All those who have tuned in are more than welcome to stay tuned in, but this Show will be my last from Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Getting this back on the front page as a reminder. Still this Friday. Hope to see everyone there.



Tomorrow's the Big Day!

Are you ready for some Cosplay?

And yes, I will be posting the winners!

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



We are live! Galaxy City Arena, Emerald Wing. Come for the contest, stay for the music!

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Hmph. Stupid work not letting me play CoH during work hours on a work computer...

Back Yard Boom - Emo Catgirl - Cobalt Claymore - Hephaestus 1

Avatar by Scarf_Girl!



You didn't miss much, JC. I had a small crowd...all of about 10 at the most, even with advertising here and in the Special Event's forum.

I think the major part of the problem was the timing. Not many people are on at Noon Eastern/9 am Pacific, even on Virtue. Live and learn.

The show was excellent, though. I had a lot of fun with those who did show up.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."