New Archetypes




One AT I've always wanted but understand would be ruddy hard to program (I mean really hard, next to impossible infact under the current engine and would require a lot of work to get going) would be a shapeshifter that gains the powers of the mob types they defeat it would be similar pattern to an MM primary but they would lack a secondary (more on the reasons why later).

1) Personal attack.
1) First form slot.
2) Second personal attack.
6) Build Up (or Aim).
8) Third personal attack.
12) Second form slot.
18) Utility power.
26) Third form slot.
32) Fourth form slot form clickie.

As you defeat foes (perhaps linked to badges) each form slot can be assigned a specific mob form, the tougher the form, the more defeats required. 10 for a minion, 20 for a lt and 30 for a boss. The fourth slot would be an acception, any defeated mob can be put it that slot from minion to AVs/Heroes however it only has a 1 minute duration with a long recharge.

Each form (except the 4th) is a mutally exclusive toggle, like Granite in stone armor, you can't run other armors while it's running, you couldn't run more than one slot at a time. Each toggle could be slotted for acc/dam/end/defense/resistance. Selecting the 'form' for each slot would be a drop down menu of the available forms, the characters model would be replaced ala the Halloween costume temp powers.

So your first slot could be a Damned Hellion boss with access to the powers and hit points of the Damned.

So the shapeshifter would have access Flares, Fireball, Fire breath, Scorch, Incinerate and Combustion with a mild resistance to fire, effecitively turning them into a squishy fire/fire blaster. The enhancements slotting into the toggle would affect the powers used.

The second slot could be a Freakshow tank and decide to 3 slot it for Resistance giving them around 50% resistance to Smashing/Lethal, 60% resistance to cold but still suffer the -30% energy resistance. They would also have access to the powers. Sawblade, Tank Grenade, Cybernetic hammers, Handclap, Dull Pain and Revive.

By now it should be obvious why it's a one power set AT, the primary powerset, with the forms, can function as both a primary AND a secondary.

Yes I realise in order to get this I'd probably have to go create my own MMO but still it would be awesome.

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That's like an AT that I thought some years back, only mine is not a shapeshifter but a power stealer (he gains the abities of defeated enemies)