Hazard Zone auto-exemp or Rikti invasion-alike




I can't think of any reasonable in-game/lore explanation for this suggestion, but I think it might be work well if just being in a Hazard zone auto-exemped high level characters down to the maximum level of the creatures in the zone (or possibly one or two levels below that for higher level hazard zones like Crey's Folly and Eden).

Yes, you can sort of do this at the moment by taking an Ouroboros arc in the right level range and then going and doing the Hazard zone rather than the arc, but that completely puts the crimp on grouping due to the use of the TF code.

It would give us a bit more variety of enemies to fight on their high level characters when we were sick of radio mission, and perhaps make some of the Hazard zones less like ghost towns.

A more radical way to do something similar, would be instead of auto-exemping, make it so that everyone near or over the level cap for a Hazard zone used the Rikti invastion code when fighting there. That would be better in that everyone would get to use all their powers, and it would make more sense from a lore perspective, but I suspect that a lot more difficult to implement than just auto-exemping.

You could make all Hazard zones use the Rikti code for everyone, whichi is probably a lot easier to do than the second suggestion, but I think that would muck up the few Hazard zones that people actually use that have missions within a level range (The Hollows, Striga, RWZ, Cimerora).