



Is there a feature built into Coh to do screenshots? if so how do you use it? and can you remove all your UI to do so, and easily replace it?



Better response in the 'Player Questions' section

Under options, in keybinding, you can set the key which takes pictures in jpegs (or the other format), the default key is print screen

there is the same for dis/enabling the UI. by default it is off

the slash commands are

/screenshotui 1
/screenshotui 0

1 Enables, 0 Disables



You might be right my mistake. But is better than 60 secs really necesary I ask myself smiling. Cheers Xemulas



I thought this was a guide on screenshots...oh well..



Sorry my bad



One point may be worth considering, if you are taking a screenshot to do some further art etc to, up all your graphics options and resolution to the max, doesn't matter if you have a slideshow if all you want is a screenshot.

Of course if you are actually wanting 'in-game' action shots you may wish to not do this

Currently mostly playing:
Indiana Ford: PB, Lady Izza Tramp: Ice/Ice Tank, Stanley Orange: PB, Pu Wu Rad, Storm Troller.
Tao Te Tzu, Stalker.