Anyone for Virgil Tarikoss SF?




Sorry, I know this has been done recently. But I missed it, and really want to run through it.
Is anyone up for this sometime in the next 5days or so (I wont set a time just yet for fear of restricting people). I should be available any time but tonight and tomorrow night (19/20th).
Have 2 corruptors in so far (Rad/Thermal Rad, Dark/Dark) so theres plenty of buffs and debuffs flying around already but always room for more.
Any interest, post here or grab me on my global @Chillspark



I would be interested in this for my Robo/Pos MM lvl 18.
I can make it on line most nights except fridays but would need warning as I am mostly playing Hero side. Trying to get my first Alt to 50.



Sounds good.
Anyone else up for it?
I'm thinking sunday evening may be a good time, but that can be changed if there are problems.



Sunday would be god for me.
Thats the day I have put aside for playing Villain side!

character is "Poison Jade DeVil"



Excellent, Sunday evening it is then!
Hopefully we will find some more by then, especially meat shields



I'll try to make it on Sunday - got various characters around that level range, but will probably bring a brute or widow.

Union Ilservian, Evinlea
Defiant Expeditor, Hakeswell

Arc: 70119 Hellion Initiation



Excellent, either would add to the mix well.



What time on sunday?



I'm unkeen to set a time until a bit closer when more people are interested other than "evening" but i imagine starting sometime between 6 and 8 will work.



Ok I should be online by 6 anyway. I was asking as I do not tend to check the forums at the weekend as much.



Ok, looks like this is what we have so far:

1)@Chillspark - Corruptor
2)@Sonic Star - Corruptor
3)@uther dracus - Mastermind
4)@Prime - Brute/Widow - Unconfirmed
5)@Aub - ???

Looking good so far



Currently looking like this:

1)@Chillspark - Corruptor
2)@Sonic Star - Corruptor
3)@uther dracus - Mastermind
4)@Prime - Brute/Widow - Unconfirmed
5)@Aub - ???
6)@LostNinja - Corruptor
7)@Bear - ??
8)@Fweeb - ?? - Unconfirmed