Wanted: Badgehunter channel on Defiant




Anyone know of a channel I can use for the badgehunters on the Defiant dark side?

I ask, coz I'll be aiming for the troll and outcast boss badges, and might as well share the rare spawn mishes

[i]If they get there first they'll make our dreams come true.
If we get there first we can stop them.[/i]



Defiant Badgers (may or may not have a space can't check at the moment)



I've got a troll paper on my little domi saved up for such an occasion, let me know a time that's good for you, and i'll try and rustle up a farm for it


Edit: Should read posts properly. I'm equally interested, as you appear to be holding them too :P



I would be interested in both of these too.
I would need to have an idea of when you were planning to run this, as i am mostly running on Heros side at the moment.
Trying to get my 1st 50!