Farming Global Channel?
Good idea. Will cut down on the number of tells to me about farming. I only farm IRL as my GF has a allotment garden...
Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)
Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU
Sadly I live on a real farm... much prefer the in game type as you can just stop after an hour or so... you can't IRL as the animals need looking after etc.
I'm something of a part time farmer, I suspect a fair number of people are. I farm for influence to equip my mains, I farm for XP to level my alts. When I farm I tend to look through the search box and invite people to my team who expressly wish to farm. And I prefer people who will make a difference, leeches can be invited but only if they ask nicely. I wonder however is there a defiant farming channel I can put a team member request out onto? I don't like asking people to fill, mainly as I hate being asked myself, I won't spam people with invites like that.
Uh sorry rambling...
Defiant Farming Channel?