SG Spot: 47 Ties




What is the name of your Supergroup?

47 Ties

What is your Supergroup’s Motto?

We Wear Ties On Our Outings (subject to change)

What are your Supergroup’s emblem and colours?

Black and Gold

If your Supergroup has a website and/or message boards, what’s the URL?

<a href=";TabID=1999968
" target="_blank">;TabID=1999968

Please list the character names of your Supergroup’s leaders and/or founders.

Current: @AG, @Stun, @L T, @Super James1, @Prince Farming, @Tyketto, and many others
Founders (now gone): @TheFool, @BuzSaw

How did your Supergroup get started?

(taken from Super Group Spotlight)

While playing my hero, Black Empath, I made a lot of friends and received many offers to join Super Groups. I didn’t like the idea of committing to one group, though - I didn’t want to disappoint anyone by joining one group but not another, nor did I like the idea of favouring teaming with some people over others. As a sort of joke, I kept count of the number of Super Group invites I received. By the time I was level 50, I had received 47 invites into different SGs. To celebrate my level 50, I created the 47 Ties Super Group as a tribute to all those friendly invites.

For fun, many people I knew (mostly those I made it to level 50 with) brought alts into the SG. We teamed together as we normally did but this time we were all in the same SG. I found that it was really nice having all these people I knew in the same group. Teaming together in the colours and with the Emblem showing. It was really nice. But when CoV came out most of the members left the 47 Ties to go support their main SGs. After going solo again for a while I realised that I really missed the SG teams. So I made it my new mission to start building up the 47 ties.

That was how the 47 Ties was made, but it didn’t really feel like a proper SG yet. Then buzsaw2000 joined up, and we started inviting others we found it fun to team with. Ever so slowly it started growing and expanding and it was only when the members starting showing SG pride and teaming together that the 47 Ties was a SG.

What is the overall goal or aim of your Supergroup?

To just have fun.

What does your Supergroup do?

We have weekly events and the like. We find these very fun and it's just nice to see peeps having fun doing events with their SG

What is your Supergroup’s finest moment or greatest achievement so far?

If you talk to the players I'm sure you'll find that we all have different 'finest moments'. Probably the finest one yet is when we orginazed a GM hunt - it was balls of fun!

If your Supergroup has a base, please tell us about it.

Thanks to our basebuilder Stun, our base is probably one of the biggest on the EU servers. A lot of new members say 'Wow! I've never been in a base this big!' We're fully fuctional with all the needs of a base, we also have a big defense system - we almost have turrets in every room for those raids!

Tell us about your coalitions

Gamma Base
Guild of Extreme Heroes

Those are all I can get off the top of my head, but there's many more.

What are your Supergroup’s plans for the future?

Do what we're doing right now - have fun, continue having fun, and keep our SG alive for the years to come.

If your Supergroup is open to new recruits, please provide details of how a player can go about applying for membership.

We're always open - just ask the leaders mentioned above and they'll give you a spot in our sister SGs (48th Tie and 49th Tie) since 47 Ties is currently full.