Ernesto Hess (Striga) TF race 15th April @ 8:00pm
Yes, a big gratz to team 2 for winning the race with their very quick time. I'm afraid team 1 was a bit blood thirsty and instead of ghosting kicked butt a bit more than we should have
Hopefully see most of you again next Tuesday for the Katie Hannon TF race.
Well done everyone, great TF and can't wait for Katie Hannon TF next week.
Morphius - MA/Regen - Union
Taelan - Ice B/Ice M - Union
Hellyon - Ice A/SS - Defiant
Bubbletastic - FF/Energy B - Union
It took us only 45:44, it was really fast!
Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).
My alts:
Excelent TF as usual, gratz to team 2 who did it in a great time of 45 mins!
Cheers for organising as usual sarg.