Looking for a place to call home




Ta, and sorry for the shameless plug



What's your idea, Sharkbait?



Well Merrow it's like this..
I have this character named The Drowning Samurai.

The Drowning Samurai bio:

As a captain in the Wu army Dian Wei made a name for himself during the "3 kingdoms war" 331 B.C.
During a battle with the Shu army he followed a Shu army warlord who was trying to run away from battle into the sea.
While the Shu warlord was throwing away armour and sword so he could swim away, Dian Wei followed him into the water. As Dian Wei started to drown he did not stop , turn back or try to swim.Instead he started slashing the water with his sword. His fury and combined with his pride put him in a state of mind where he believed himself invincible and thought that not even the water could beat him.
... Of course he drowned... But it did not end there for Dian Wei.
A spirit of vengeance appeared to him and granted him immortality and send him out in the world to do good.
He must now never forget that PRIDE comes for the FALL as he learns to appreciate the gift that life is in his cursed existense.

I've played this toon till lvl 36 now and came to the following idea whilst fighting the Rikiti in the Vanguard war zone.

I would like to start an RP SG where The Drowning Samurai trys to recruit reformed Villains or boarderline vigilanties. To teach them how precious life is. Tho he is happy go lucky and not disgusted by a good bar fight, he does value life and mankind.
So I would play it that he forms a kind of reformed villains or heroes on probation or with limitations.
Maybe I could mae it so he's sponserd by a known hero who believes in the initiatieve ...
I just started thinking about it as I was fighting alongside villains against the Rikiti ..

So there you have it
Maybe it's a Rookie idea and full of stereotype stuff or so but I'm trying ...

Think I could give it a shot ?
All advise is welcome

Ps : sorry if my english isn't perfect I'm from Belgium and try my best to spel correctly :s

@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)



Hmmm nice idea, I'd say go for it

Oh and no need to apologise for the spelling mistakes, you write better than some English posters I've seen



Many thanks ..
Just 2 questions
1: Should I just go ahead and make an SG ingame ?
2: How do I recruit RPers for this ?

It just hate global spamming ... And wouldn't fit my type of play

@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)



Yep, go to the SG registrar in Atlas Park city hall (I think?) and post a description of the SG on here, maybe in the "Roleplaying Supergroups" thread explaining your idea a little saying that you're recruiting and just cross your fingers



I was thinking of maybe letting the Sg be inspired by the DC comic The ousiders .. And as such I would like to put a Super hero promoter into the story line .. Like Batman was to the Outsiders ..
I was thinking of Synapse or Back Alley Brawler ..
Would this be realistic ? Or are there better characters to link to this kind of story ?

@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)



I think Back Alley Brawler'd be ideal as he's a rough tough hombre



I think Back Alley Brawler'd be ideal as he's a rough tough hombre

[/ QUOTE ]
With all te help you're putting in you'll get an honorable mention if I ever meet Statesman
Mind if I ask some more stuff as I'm making progresse ?

@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)