Lady Grey TF
If i can i would always love to join you, with any char than can.
Since i have one of each hero AT (except a PB) and a brute, i can use the char that would help the team the most.
You could ask on defiant events or need team for members.
Also if you like to advertice it a bit, send a tell to @cha'ron , he can post it in the Motd of defiant events.
if you would like to go ahead with it, contact me ingame on @Hey Man, and i'll put it up on defiant events channel MOTD for you =]
It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!
Hoping to organise this at 7pm tonight. I may decide to do this bi weekly, or on some kind of regular basis in order to trigger more zone invasions as me and a friend are after the Watchman accolade. Let me know if you're interested.