Schooling in PvP
THere are no rules. Just go to the pvp zone and have fun bring BFs if your a squishy. They only thing i dont like is when heroes run to boat in warburg
There are no rules. Just go to the pvp zone and have fun
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Pretty much the point of my post, but hey
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Take the fight more inland..... They will come to where the fight is and they have further to run to safety then
Take the fight more inland..... They will come to where the fight is and they have further to run to safety then
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hehe, I've done a fair bit of pvp so I know to pull back & let them come, (no-one likes a base camper!)
But the cheek of dive-bombing them in their safe zone really tickles me
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Take the fight more inland..... They will come to where the fight is and they have further to run to safety then
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hehe, I've done a fair bit of pvp so I know to pull back & let them come, (no-one likes a base camper!)
But the cheek of dive-bombing them in their safe zone really tickles me
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
Hey...I LIKE the Duel Culture scene going on on Union. It's a nice break from the general gankage and spite I run across while patrolling the PVP zones.
But yeah, good job there War. People who complain about enemies hiding in the base but then do the same thing themselves is a pet peeve of mine. Of course, considering how most of the PVP in warburg happens in SIGHT of the hero's just tends to happen way more than it should.
But the cheek of dive-bombing them in their safe zone really tickles me
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Im in ur base killin ur d00dz
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
But the cheek of dive-bombing them in their safe zone really tickles me
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Im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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n i steal their st00f!
Hey...I LIKE the Duel Culture scene going on on Union. It's a nice break from the general gankage and spite I run across while patrolling the PVP zones.
But yeah, good job there War. People who complain about enemies hiding in the base but then do the same thing themselves is a pet peeve of mine. Of course, considering how most of the PVP in warburg happens in SIGHT of the hero's just tends to happen way more than it should.
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Lol, yeah the beach seems to have been taken in as 'the' place to do the fighting.
My SG and a Coalition SG used frequent Warburg and take the fight wherever in the zone, usually ended up on some roof, which led to hilarious falling incidents
I'm not against or impartial to the occasional duel, I quite like them, however, I get peeved at those who demand its their right not to be interupted by others. Tough luck, they want an undisturbed one, there are other places to go. If I get interupted, i shrug and let the fight unfold naturally. No rule says they can't.
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero
if people want rules when fighting other players - go to the arena
That is a fine tale of schooling my friend, a fine tale indeed.
Some more hilarious tales from PvP...

The other day I was in with a friend doing the Shivans another villain team was doing the same, in the back ground there were two villains giving it all the talk adn making requests about how a duel should be fought and that 'the rules' of pvp meant no insps, so y'know the usual...
A set of Shivans later I decided to grab one of my heroes and investigate these claims....
Well, after owning the life out of the 2 villains that had set 'their' rules, i explained:
- how they're claims of heroes shouldn't run to base worked for them too as they ran away from me and hid in the base after I pursued again and again.
- explained that duels were at a zone discretion and promptly set about attacking my target to engage in actual pvp.
- elaborated that insps & the powers chosen by any toon went with the territory, if they can't beat an opponent at face value, re-think their tactics.
The funniest part was during my lesson and stood in a pvp zone engaging in pvp, I was repeatedly asked if I'd actually played pvp..... roflcoptors erupted zone wide.
Happy with my teachings and chuffed that two more self-righteous 'pvp'ers' have been schooled, I strode off into the sunset.
"Like War_Hero said, leave it as it is, it toughens up the softies." - Naz Nomad
Union Heroes
War Borg - Leader of The Paragon Knights
Union Villains
McCabe - Co-leader of The Rogue Knights
Defiant - Supreme Hero