



Hi, i'm Flame Fire and i'm a fire/fire/flame blaster, lvl 43. All my friends have been talking about PB's and WS's recently so i thought yeah i should get intrested too as it wont be that long till i hit that big 'ol' 50.

I've chosen PB as i have been teaming with one or two (Mr Oakie and Perdix...) and purfure them to WS's (sorry Daedalion!!) so i thought yeah, thats good. I get my 15th month badge on sunday so i could add wings as well and would look really good. I've been toying with a few cossy ideas and have come up with a few good ones but i'm not sure yet so any ideas on that would be good.

But the main reason i'm posting this is that i cant for the life of me pick a name! and my m8s cant either!! My mate Telekin Quake cant think of one for a WS and my mate Devirain cant either and he wants a PB. Any help would be good for us and replys asap! Becasue Teles lvl 46 now and getting about 1 lvl a day...


Thanks, Flame!

@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids



NOTE: Telekin is my m8 too.

Anyway...naming a PB...since I have a toon called Phantom Blue who si nearly 50 I'm planning my PB to be called Phantom X. So...if he's Flame Fire...I'd go for for Flame Shadow or Shadow Fire.



That sounds like a good idea... Flame Shadow, eh? I like it! I'll just have to check if its taken first though becasue it sounds like a rather good name.

Also i think i've seen you about somewhere and its good to see someone on the forums that i know! ... or that a friend knows lol!

@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids



I called my PB Xenostar, taken mainly from the term could try combinations with that, i.e: Xenoflame, Xenofire, get the idea. That is of course if you're planning to make it a direct follow on from your lvl50.



I was going too yeah, so that is a good idea...

@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids



Tele hit 50, GRATZ TELE!! And called his Warshade Telekin Fake. Devirian is still on 40, hes having trouble lvling, and i'm on 45 now so been thinking on some more names:

My options are:

Shadowfire (better for warshade)
Bright Spark (not to sure on it might not really)
Bright Fire
Starbringer (number one atm)

What do u think?

@Flame Fire

Flame Fire - 50 - Blaster
Joey Poison - 50 - Master Mind
Star-Flare - 41 - Peacebringer
Operative Flame - 26 - Bane Spider

CoH Vids