How many regulars do you guys have ?
we dont realy have a redular number on a bad week there is as little as 5 at a time on on a good week we can have as many as 20 on at a time. i think the truth is now with the rent fixed and the ever ready coalitions you dont need a huge number on all the time just yet this may change if they eery fi raids and we need to get dfence teams together.
and on that one we are about 4 short for a full defence team if i just count our main core of sg members who have been with us the longest now
There isnt a problem on earth that cant be solved with the proper aplication of hi explosive's
Darklords of the Underworld/Lords of Light forums [url=""][/url]
Scotlands Bru ill/emp troller lvl 50
Monster Bru SS/stone brute lvl 50
Carman thugs/dark mm lvl 50
On most day we have around 10 - 15 members on bad days 1 lol me. We have been getting more and more busy lately tho and these figures will always variy due to school holidays, the way i see it is if at least 5 of my regulars are online during a quiet period of the game then im happy and if im the only person on then coaltion it is for me
A very interesting point this, and one that is very close to my heart.
We seem to have the same situation as you Dark in that we have probably about 8/9 that are very very active and then this goes to about 15 or so for regular.
Again we do not have anyone who has been on any less than 15 days and we do have a prest min amount that we like all over level 25 to earn so that they can dip in and out of sg mode.
We recently have introduced a no more than 4 toons per person in as i found that the 8/9 obsessive players had numerous alts which while they were all played regularly we had no space for new members.
I try to keep numbers at a maximum so alongside the core players of dedicated dirties we do have a reasonable turnover of casual players.
The coaltion does help although what tends to happen is that the core players team amounst themselves as they have alts over all levels an can usually find teams with others in the sg.
I also find that while the coaltion is good for shouting out a request for a team - you usually find one - it could be a bit more proactive (us included) when setting a team up?
Also to try to keep memers in the sg once they have joined and therefore increase this core amount we have introduced a bonus scheme with a token for key levels reached.
What i am hoping for is to strike lucky with the turnover of people outside the core members and in turn to increase the core members but this is difficult with so many sg's out there.
I still think that because many players have not had the opportunity of joining a great sg that does do things for it's members and keep things active they do not see the benefit of being in a sg and therefore are not too troubled if they do not have a good one.
Blimey wasn't expecting that to go on for so long - bit like only going to the supermarket just for milk - never works
I was sat looking at my List of SG members last night, and although there is no one that hasn't logged on for less than 10 days, there never seem to be more than 15 on at a time.
Considering the cap is 75 and this is afterall a MMO, it seems like a small regular playerbase.
I just wondered if you guys could throw pride aside for a mo and be honest about how many people you have playing on a regular basis in your SG's so other people on union can get a guage of how busy / quiet their sg's are.
It seems to me that most of us are settling for low reliable numbers lately insted of high member turnovers.