Sunday 22nd April - Lunchtime-ish - 2nd Respec




For anyone who is interested, Scarlet Slicer and Whirling Dervish will be undertaking the Second Respecification Trial, starting in Founders' Falls around lunchtime-ish.

I know it's a bit short notice but, heck, I've been meaning to organise a few trials and TFs for a while so, hopefully, this'll get me back into the swing of things.

Scarlet Slicer is a Kat/SR Scrapper
Whirling Dervish is a Earth/Storm Controller

We're both level 36 so, preferably, other characters around the level without skewing it too much would be appreciated.

Please respond and I'll keep tabs on the thread. Remember, the Respec trial begins in Founders' Falls, so bring your anti-sniper gear...