police band
Mission dropping allows you to not even have to talk with officer whatshisname. But you didn't have to do any Hollows missions before that either (other than visiting the bugger).
I know but you eneded up running around all over the place found i had to have swift as soon as poss to avoid hollows. Managed it a few times but even that was getting to be a drag now i can stick to 1 zone for a while. Got a small team together this morning done the ploice band mission in kings 3 time 1st was a fail other 2 wins to diffrent plp's missions. then we moved on to sky done 1 bank in there befor we called it a day 1 guy wnet from lvl 4 to lvl 11 i went from lvl 8 to 13.
will grow out of this eventually but its fun at the mo
completed the altas police mission
not as much fun as the cov mayhem mission but fun all the same. BIG BIG plus may never have to go to hollows again went to kings lvl 6 did the 3 missions to get the bank job plus 1 a contact gave me in kings lvl 8 now