Wanna trade some infamy for some influence




Heya peeps,

Would need to transfer a couple millions from villains to heroes, if you can help out, pls look for @Aerys in game



If you need the infamy that bad, I can pass few millions for free, ill try to pm you next time I'm on.



I need to do the same thing. My first Hero is very poor hehe.

I got some millions with my Brutes that I wanna transfer.



Hmm, I wouldn't mind having a million or two extra on my main Villain... and I think I can spare a bit with my hero.

Either one of you wanting a transfer, just suggest a time and a place, and I'll be there...



Hey dragon, I'm on right now on a hero, will be on for some time tonight, you can catch me @Aerys



Exchanged completed... you want some too, Fu Leng? Just gimma a call.



Thanks for the offer Black Dragon, but I found someone (well, he found me) to trade today



Looking to transfer some money again, my hero is fast approaching SO time, and 400k just won't do

So need to transfer a couple millions from villains to heroes, @Aerys in game if you're interested



I'm still more than happy to provide transfer services... my main villain's VG is growing, and more infamy is needed to finance the lowbies!



Well I'm online right now if you swap some money



Transfer done, thanks again BlackDragon



Hey I am always willing to swap influence for infamy, just give me a yell @KrazyMary anytime.
PS. I am always willing to get infamy for nothing anytime too /me winks @ Proty

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



Need to trade yet again a couple millions from villains to heroes (damn alts) if one of you is up for it.
Catch me in game @Aerys