LFT: Plague Stopper & Spirit Warrior
Politely bumping this thread to renew my request for assistance.
Hey-yelp! Hey-yelp!
I have just got the Plague Stopper mission on my warshade (Vanishing Reborn, lvl 16), so reply here or in game (@Shadow Glow), and we can team up. Will happily hold this until the end of the weekend. Normally on after 8:30PM most evenings.
Thanks so much, Shadow Glow! Will contact you in-game.
My partner is missing the Plague Stopper and Spirit Warrior accomplishment badges, but she seems to have outlevelled the contacts. We're looking for heroes who have the mish available, or soon will have it, so we can team up and get her the badge.
Mr TPF - earth/empathy troller
Pinkette - ma/sr scrapper
We will need to be exemped.
Weekday evenings are best, preferably wed/thur/fri.
Please respond here or in-game to @Oneiros if you can help with either of the above badges so we can sort out the details.
Thanks very muchly