Unveiler - Fake Nemesis Badge Farming




Allrighty, picked up the Defeat Fake Naylor mish - nice'n huge outdoor map loaded with Nemesis. Difficulty is set to Vicious. Now all I need is a team of 8 intrepid villains, at least 4 of whom are level 50 to ensure that we can steamroll the level 37-ish Fakies.

The party is scheduled for friday (the 22nd, I believe) evening around 7 PM BST (That's 20:00 CET) and will continue for as long as we can maintain a team of 7 or more.

If you're interested, better pipe in - if there isn't enough people interested, I'll just farm the Grandville mish with the 4 Fakies - slower, but doesn't require a team.



Okay, nobody's interested, farm's off... guess I'll just have to replay that other mission 25 times.