Seventh Cabal SG looking for new recruits :)




Seventh Cabal Recruitment Drive
Seventh Cabal has been in a state of stasis over the summer but we are beginning to gear up again. We have a solid core of members who have been with us from the very start, but we would like more active gamers to join us.

Gaming events and Base
We aim to have a SG gaming event to encourage teaming every week, but generally members can always make a call for help as we are a friendly bunch and like to help out.
Our base is up and running - with some good functionality and it looks pretty good too.
Pictures of the base can be viewed at this link

Main Objective
Our main objective is to make teaming easier and gather a good group of people who just want to have fun playing City of Villains - and of course gather hoards of exp and infamy in the process.
There is usually a friendly chatter on the SG channel and as we have several veteran players onboard, questions that may arise during gaming can often be answered there.

SG Website and Forum
We have a website as well as a dedicated SG forum, where all members are required to register. Here we can share information, discuss builds, ask questions and keep everyone in the loop in regards to the going-ons in the SG.
And of course there is also plenty of room for plain old-fashioned fun [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
our website:

The SG base is science/technology oriented if this is an important issue to you, but we have no problem accepting villains of any theme.

Can I join?
We are looking for villains around level 15+ to join the SG - but other than that, we accept any level or AT as long as you are an active player who is online frequently [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
Application to the SG can either be done using our forum, or by sending me a global tell when I am online using @Stomparr.
Other recruiting officers are: Crock, Horus Priest, Dark Cobalt and Emergency.

So don't waste any time - join a wretched hive of scum and villainy [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]



Oh yeah - perhaps I should mention that most of our player base are around level 25+ - but we are usually willing to LK and take people on missions.

At any rate, we still need active players - and in particular active players who will also help recruit for the SG [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]