The 58th Parallel




Hi guys, well our sg is on the look out for new heroes, would like to have fun, commited, easy going, heroes onboard, if you think youve got the time to play with, and your looking for similar players, then give us a try, we've started work on our super base, and are looking to improve it and our sg as a whole.

The 58th, as it is, is our gaming syndicate name, basically we are a group of gamers branched out under one core title into a few games hence we are a gaming syndicate, having recently expanded into coh, we're looking to make a good impact in coh, aswell as creating a successful group, as any other game we play

2)Battlefield 2
3)World of Warcraft
4)City of Heroes/Villains

We are in our third year of gaming under the 58th gaming tag,we have excellent web based support, and a fun and skilled player based community.

So if you think youd like to join, you can message me in game /t Debtcollector, or add me in your global friends @Debtcollector.

Alternatively you can drop by our website/forums and we'll be in touch with you.

The 58th Gaming Syndicate