Interview du Statesman par Boomtown




Décidement Statesman fait parler de lui en ce moment et c'est tant mieux

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"City of Villains Statesman interview

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's the creative director at Cryptic Studios, Jack Emmert, and he's going to tell us more about the future of City of Heroes and City of Villains.

The creative director at Cryptic Studios, Jack Emmert, saw a succesful conclusion to 2005 with the release of City of Villains and is currently busy with the upcoming Korean launch of City of Heroes as well as the next expansion (Issue 7) for City of Heroes and Villains.
However, questions remain - where will the game move from here, when will some of the cool City of Villains features filter through to City of Heroes and should we expect (or fear depending on your stance) major changes in our characters' powers? Read on, you must, brave hero/vicious villain.
The launch
Boomtown: How do you think the launch of City of Villains went and how happy are you with the first months of the game being live?
Jack Emmert: I think everything went as smoothly as I had hoped. The game has been well received by CoH fans - and by many new players, too!
What are you thoughts about the three current zones where City of Heroes and City of Villains meet for PvP?
These worked even better than planned, to be honest. A lot of people are enjoying the mini-games within these zones; some who swore they'd never play PvP are now enjoying them!
Changes to be expected?
Are you planning any major changes to any of the five new archetypes in City of Villains?
No. We learned a lot from City of Heroes, and I think this shows in CoV.
The new archetype, Stalkers, have a hugely powerful (and thus controversial) attack with Assassin's Strike. Are you happy with the way it works or will it be changed?
We might be instituting a system where players can't be "one shotted", but that wouldn't be particular to any Archetype. The Assassin's Strike is in fact just one power among many that leads to one shots in PvP.
Lower level missions come with cut-scenes and interesting twists, but these missions seem to fade after level 20. Will more of the unusual/memorable mission events be introduced in high level content soon?
After we get levels 40 - 50 [content for City of Villains] out the door, yes indeed!
It's been mentioned that some Task Forces (long series of mission strung together by a story arch, ed.)especially Positron and Shard TFs will/should be shortened. Any idea when the new versions will go live?
At the earliest, later in the year.
Will we see more variety in the newspaper missions for post lvl 35 toons and which villain groups will be used?
Yes. We'll also be adding newspaper missions against heroes.
(When) will we see a flashback system and how will it work?
This system is not an immediate concern; there's no definite design.
Top Secret
Can you tell us more about the planned Legendary/Legends system?
Top secret.
Will the great newspaper mission system make its move to City of Heroes?
Definitely. It'll probably be in later this year.
Will players ever be able to change animations and colours of powers?
Colours are far more likely than animations, but that's something on the far horizon. There are some gameplay issues here; colour, for example, is a way that players can identify powers. Should a player be able to change the colour of his powers, other players might not recognize them and he has some advantage in PvP. "

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donc en résumé un journal pour les héros ,des mimis divers, certaines tfs réduites, et surout une personalisation des pouvoirs dans le futur le flaashback dans un avenir lointain et apparemment pas de remaniement des ats vilains exceptés pour le rodeur qui ne devrait plus os ( il acheve sur la deuxieme ^^ )...
rien de tres neuf en somme
source boomtown



Je vous traduis tout ça cet après-midi... normalement (comprendre : si rien d'autre ne se met en travers de ma route).



"Colours are far more likely than animations, but that's something on the far horizon" --&gt; Les couleurs probablement plus que les animations, mais c'est quelque chose à horizon lointain

Pas dans un futur proche donc, désolé d'etre l'oiseau de mauvaise augure Pulsaro



-note pour plus tard ne pas faire 45 choses en meme temps et se concentrer sur une seule



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
There are some gameplay issues here; colour, for example, is a way that players can identify powers. Should a player be able to change the colour of his powers, other players might not recognize them and he has some advantage in PvP.

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sauf qu'y a un problème de gameplay notemment la reconnaissance d'un pouvoir par ses adversaires PvP... qui créerait un avantage en PvP.
et vu la politique PvP de cryptic... c'est pas gagné.