Grats Soul Soldier
Gratz on the 40... now just to get Uzzi to 50 in CoH
Thanks Pretzel and Psygon
It did take a long time, boosted all the way up to 38 in a short amount of time then it took around two weeks to get the last two levels as I've been hardly playing SS.
But made it in the end and I'm happy about that, thanks a bunch
Yup, going to make Uzzi my next target to 50 and a respec for my suicidal villain
Congrats mate
Thanks Jamus
Woohoo! Grats mate
Now time to start making alts!
Gratz on finally getting to 40 . You're just showing me how slow I am since you were behind me at one point.
Thanks Kal, Grevian and GunNut
I don't think I'll be making alts Kal, as I find more interest in the CoH ATs rather then the CoV ones, someday I'll level my stalker, hopefully the first to be a scrapper type rather then AS reliant.
Will probably go back to SS when I7 comes out, I'll be popping back from time to time though, still needs a damn respec hardly see you on Grevian, what you been upto?
For now, Uzzi at 45 is my next target.
gratu grats
Soul, poke me some point and will run you through a respec. Grevian feel free to poke me if I am around and you need a team. Tho I am a touch mad when playing
Grats on finally getting to level 40 SS! Just need to get you that respec now!