Question for Blappers using Knockback for control




I was reading on the American Forums that the downtime of Knockdown/Knockback has been reduced. This has to do with bringing the downtime back into line after the introduction of Rag doll physics.

Has anyone noticed this effect on the Euro servers and if so did it have any great effect on your blapping ability?



Not noticed any difference.
If anything, I think the knocback distance has increased. I can knock a target up on a double stacked container with that Energy Thrust, or whatever it's called, that you get on level one, by the time the mob lands I've got off at least one ranged attack, and by the time he's standing up I've got next to him again and unleashed Bone Smasher to disorient and Power Burst to send him flying once again.



Thought the blighters were jumping up fairlt quick today, normally I can hit them while they're down after power push but couldn't today thought it was dial up...



Oh, this was in the last patch?

I can't really say then, because I haven't played much since.



hmm, im not sure, certain mobs take longer (or less time) to get up anyway. i DID notcie that they were quick the other day when compared to the length of my epic hold, whereas they used to nearly be on par. I'll test when i get back on, it used to be the length of a Snipe from start to get up.

Shnyet AWAY



From what I read the downtime has reduced from 3s to 1s - what it was before ragdoll was introduced.

So more a fix than a nerf but if you have been blapping since ragdoll like D has it may feel like one.

I will try to find the article again and link to it.



Well I think the phase of NRG/NRG is over...It's fire/fire tank all over again! When will the madness stop!?